The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the Allied Forces known to have given their lives on 28 March 1918 during the Battle of Hébuterne, France, 27 March to 5 April 1918.
Frederick James ALLEN, 4th Machine Gun Battalion, 28 March 1918
Charles ANDERSON, 4th Machine Gun Company, 28 March 1918
Edward John ANDREWS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John Thomson ARNOT, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Norman Leo AVERY, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Terence James BAKER, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Philip James BALL, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Alfred Anthony BARBER, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Henry William BAXTER, 19th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
William James BAXTER, 46th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George BEATTIE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George Alfred BELDEN, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Morton Ernest BESWICK, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Arthur BONSER, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Leo Phillip BOROWSKI, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Lawrence Rheuben BOUTLE, 41st Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edwin Leslie BRIGGS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Richard Gaffney BROWN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Thomas Ernest BYERS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Walter Leslie CAMPBELL, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
William CAMPBELL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Norman Samuel CAREY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George Robert CARRUTHERS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Reginald Claude CATTON, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Charles William CHICK, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Bruce Graham CLARKE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Frederick CLEMENTS, 12th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
William Frank CLOAK, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edwin Daniel COLLINGS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Patrick Augustine CROWE, 14th Field Artillery Brigade, 28 March 1918
Francis John DAVIES, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Ernest William DAVIS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Leslie Charles DENNIS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Wilfred John DIXON, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George Harold DORE, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Ronald Owen DRANEY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Henry EAMES, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Eustace Erol EELES, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Thomas Hampton ELLIOT, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Frank Clifford ELLIS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Phillip John ESMONDE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Albert William EVANS, 19th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
David Victor FINIMORE, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Affleck Ferguson FLETCHER, 46th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Frank Edward FLOYD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
James William FREW, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
William Edwin FULTON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
James Henry Benson FURR, 6th Field Company Engineers, 28 March 1918
Alexander Jack GALE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Athol GARNER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Jack GARNOM, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Anthony GARRAHY, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Gregory James GIBSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Robert GILVEAR, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Frederick George GLASSENBURY, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Charles Montague GOLDSMITH, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Arthur James GRAHAM, 14th Field Ambulance, 28 March 1918
Joseph GRANGE, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
William Edward Kemp GRUBB, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Christopher GUDGEON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Cecil Lisle HALL, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
William HALL, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Walter Maxmillian HARRIS, 27th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John Henry HARRIS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John Henry HARRISON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Theophilus Trenvil HAYES, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John HENDERSON, 41st Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Sidney HENDRY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George John HENRY, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George Stanley HENRY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Walter HIGGINS, 28th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Stafford HIGGINS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Walter Thomas HOWATSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edgar Ellis HUDSON, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Charles HULL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Richard HUME, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Thomas HUNTER, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Walter JENNER, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edmond Woodward JOHNSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Isaac Samuel James JONES, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John JONES, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Frank Sidney KEABLE, 4th Machine Gun Battalion, 28 March 1918
Lionel Edwin KELLY, 16th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John KELLY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Mervyn William KELTY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Robert KIDDLE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Charles Edward KING, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Eric George KINGSTON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Thomas Michael KINNERK, 4th Machine Gun Battalion, 28 March 1918
Percy Edward KIRBY, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Phillip John KIRKPATRICK, 46th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Frederick William LANE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Samuel Robert LANG, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Walter LAURIE, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Eric Tilson LEADBETTER, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Walter George LEEDING, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John Allan LESEBERG, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Christopher LITTLE, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John Alexander LITTLEWOOD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Hector Charles Warwick LONG, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Ronald David LONGMUIR, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
James Oliver LUGTON, 14th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Daniel LYNCH, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Richard MARTIN, 4th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Robert Ambrose MCCULLOUGH, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Angus Archibald MCDONALD, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
James MCNALLY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Hugh Lyell MILBOURNE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Frederick Alfred MOORE, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John Herbert MORLEY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
James Walter MORRIS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Victor Lionel MURPHY, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Frederick Alexander NAYLOR, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Arthur NICHOLLS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
William NICOL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Christian Valentine NOMMENSEN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Stanley Gordon O'BRIEN, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Robert John O'LEARY, 24th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
David William ORCHARD, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edward James PARRISH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Andrew Henderson PEEBLES, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Thomas Gould PENDLEBURY, 46th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Patrick PETHERBRIDGE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Valdemar Natanael PETTERSSON, 16th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Joseph John PHELAN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Arthur Raymond Benjamin PIERCE, 41st Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Philip John PINEL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Frederick William PRATCHETT, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edward PRICE, 1 Division Australian Motor Transport Company, 28 March 1918
Arthur PRINCE, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
David Henry QUINLAN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Rubin Cameron RADFORD, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Harold Valentine RAYMOND, 12th Field Artillery Brigade, 28 March 1918
Thomas Francis REID, 35th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George Richard REYNOLDS, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George Frederick RICHARDS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edward Augustus ROBERTS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edward Winstanley ROBERTSON, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Ernest Victor ROBINS, 2nd Tunnelling Company, 28 March 1918
William RONALD, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George ROOKE, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
James Thomas ROUGHLEY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Christopher James RYAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Colin Gordon SALMON, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Charles Edward SALMON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edward SARGEANT, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Leonard SCRIBBINGS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Richard William SHEPHARD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Harry Thomas SIMMONS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Leslie SIMS, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John SLOAN, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Percy SMITH, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Bert SMITH, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Richard SPEARING, 14th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Hugh Corneil SPEERING, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Norman Percy STEEL, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
David Robert STEPHEN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edward William STEVENS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Eric Thomas STEVENS, 4th Machine Gun Battalion, 28 March 1918
William Jefferson SUMMERFIELD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Tom TAPP, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Joseph TAYLOR, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Charles Gordon TAYLOR, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Alexander TAYLOR, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Andrew Alexander TENNANT, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
James Sutter TERRAS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Frederick George THOMAS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
William Herbert TILLEY, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Henry Claude TILYARD, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Stanley TUKE, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George Andrew TURNBULL, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Alfred Joseph VICKERS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John WARFIELD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Edward James WELLS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Sydney Ernest WEST, 46th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Roy WILSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Allan Alexander WINKS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Arthur WOODHEAD, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Albert John WOOLCOCK, 2nd Tunnelling Company, 28 March 1918
Ernest Ralph WOOLNOUGH, 27th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
George Simon WRIGHT, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
John WRIGHT, 41st Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918
Lest We Forget