Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z
Australian Light Horse - Full Index
Embarkation Roll: HAR to HAW
The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.
Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:
First Names;
Family Name;
If applicable, any false name employed; and,
Embarkation unit.
Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.
Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.
Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.
Finding more about a service person.
Embarkation Roll: HAR to HAW
Leonard Wilson HARPHAM, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Hamilton HARRATT, General Service Reinforcements.
Francis Charles HARRELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John Albert HARRELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William Morris HARRELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Alicean Robert HARRETT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Melvyn James Sawtell HARRIGAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles HARRIMAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
George HARRIMAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Charles Gregory HARRINGTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Phillip HARRINGTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Keith HARRINGTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Maxwell David HARRINGTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Patrick Francis HARRINGTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald HARRINGTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Edward HARRINGTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Victor William HARRINGTON, General Service Reinforcements.
William HARRINGTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander Martin HARRIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander Ross HARRIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander Ross HARRIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Charles HARRIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Archibald HARRIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Archibald Campbell HARRIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Archibald Douglas HARRIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Benjamin Bernard HARRIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Benjamin Turner HARRIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Bertram HARRIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles HARRIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Charles Morley HARRIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Reginald HARRIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Claude Mugridge HARRIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Clement Wellington HARRIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Cyril Andrew James HARRIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
David Woodward HARRIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward HARRIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Charles HARRIS, General Service Reinforcements.
Edward Harold HARRIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Edward Ray HARRIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward William HARRIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Eric Brentnall HARRIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest George HARRIS, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Ernest James HARRIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Ray HARRIS, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Eugene Henry HARRIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick HARRIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Geoffrey Hamlyn Laricount HARRIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
George HARRIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
George Albert HARRIS, General Service Reinforcements.
George Alexander HARRIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
George Henry HARRIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
George Thomas Hamlyn HARRIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Guy McGeorge HARRIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Hamlyn Layiscant Vernon HARRIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Hampton Roland HARRIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Ernest HARRIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Reginald HARRIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry HARRIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Charles HARRIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Edward HARRIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Henry John HARRIS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry William HARRIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Henry William HARRIS, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
Herbert Jacob HARRIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Hubert Jennings Imrie HARRIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Hubert Leslie HARRIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Hugh Hamlyn HARRIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
James HARRIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
James Alfred HARRIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
John Ernest HARRIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
John Samuel HARRIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
John William HARRIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph HARRIS, General Service Reinforcements.
Leslie Alfred HARRIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Lewis Charles Henry HARRIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Lewis Charles Henry HARRIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Morgan Jack HARRIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Oliver HARRIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Ralph White HARRIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald Desmond HARRIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Alfred HARRIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Richard Leonard HARRIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Patrick HARRIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Oxenberry HARRIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Roy HARRIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Roy Terry HARRIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel HARRIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas HARRIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas HARRIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas HARRIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Victor Seymour HARRIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Victor Seymour HARRIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Vivian Edmond George HARRIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter John HARRIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
William HARRIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
William HARRIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William Charles HARRIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
William Herbert HARRIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
William John HARRIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Leslie HARRIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
William Richard HARRIS, General Service Reinforcements.
William James Vivian HARRIS aka William George WARNER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert HARRISON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Albert Edward HARRISON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Ernest HARRISON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Frederick HARRISON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Augustus Thomas Edward HARRISON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Cecil Francis HARRISON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Keith HARRISON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Todd HARRISON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Eric HARRISON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Thomas HARRISON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Frank HARRISON, General Service Reinforcements.
George Alexander HARRISON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
George Ernest HARRISON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry HARRISON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry John HARRISON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert William HARRISON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
James HARRISON, General Service Reinforcements.
James Cyril HARRISON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
James Leonard HARRISON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
James Samuel HARRISON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
John HARRISON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
John Henry HARRISON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John James Irwin HARRISON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
John Norman Mckinley HARRISON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Kenneth Desmond HARRISON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Leonard Goodwin HARRISON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Earl HARRISON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Roland Leslie HARRISON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Ronald Leslie HARRISON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Ronald Wilberforce HARRISON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Rorbert Edward HARRISON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Skice Rupert HARRISON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley Youngman HARRISON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Vyvyan Paul HARRISON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Wilfred Webster HARRISON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William Bruister HARRISON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William Edward HARRISON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William James HARRISON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
William John HARRISON, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
William Robert HARRISON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Frederick HARRISS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick HARRISS, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.
Bert HARROD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Bert HARROD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
John HARROD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Rayleigh Hugh HARROD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald Clarke HARROLD, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
James Henry HARROP, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald HARROWELL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank HARROWFIELD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Clarence Reginald HARRY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Linacre HARSTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley Hubert HARSTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Sheriden HART, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur HART, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur HART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Roy HART, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Bede HART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Dan HART, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Daniel Edmund HART, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Eric Stanley HART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Alfred HART, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Frank Ormond HART, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick HART, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Herbert Francis HART, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
George HART, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Harry Samuel HART, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
John Henry HART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Julia Mary HART, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Kenneth Joshua HART, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Linton HART, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Marshall Napoleon HART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald Hughes HART, General Service Reinforcements.
Richard John HART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas HART, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Charles HART, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Wilfred Ernest HART, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
William James HART, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Maurice Atherton HARTE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred HARTFIELD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Bernard James HARTIGAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur HARTLEY, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Frank HARTLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank HARTLEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Gordon HARTLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert HARTLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John HARTLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
John Emmett HARTLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Owen Joseph HARTLEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Robert HARTNETT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Clarence HARTSHORN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Joseph HARTSHORN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Oliver HARTSHORN, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Bertram Nigel HARTWELL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Clarence George Wentworth HARTWELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Louis Gilbert HARTWELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Sidney Frederick HARTWELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Vernon HARTWIG, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Edward HARTWIG, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Harris HARVEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Cecil Johnston HARVEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
David James HARVEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Ben Waldron HARVEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Patrick HARVEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Thomas HARVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Everard Roy HARVEY, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.
Frank HARVEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick HARVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
George Kelynack HARVEY, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Henry Charles HARVEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert Victor HARVEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Herman Edward HARVEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
James Mervyn HARVEY, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.
John HARVEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
John HARVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
John HARVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
John Henry HARVEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman George HARVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Percy HARVEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Percy Alexander HARVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Henry HARVEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Reubin HARVEY, General Service Reinforcements.
Samuel Robert HARVEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas McNair HARVEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas William HARVEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William Edward HARVEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold John Gregory HARVIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Sydney HARVISON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Colin Crisp HARWOOD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Ernest HARWOOD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
George Frederick HARWOOD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Francis Robert HASE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Geoffrey Garnet HASFALL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley Norman HASKARD, General Service Reinforcements.
Edmund George HASKETT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Albert John HASLAM, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Spencer Heyward HASLAM, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
David HASLER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Bruce Everard HASSALL, General Service Reinforcements.
Hector HASSALL, General Service Reinforcements.
Richard Arthur HASSALL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Rowland Thomas HASSALL, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Martin James HASSED, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward HASSELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Oscar Donald Humfray HASSELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
John HASSETT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
William James HASSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Edward HASTIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
John Samuel HASTIE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
John William HASTIE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Leonard Roy HASTIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert James HASTIE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
William HASTIE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William HASTIE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Allan HASTINGS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Angus HASTINGS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
James HASTINGS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
John Batton HASTINGS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
John Corney HASTINGS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Patrick HASTINGS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William Joseph HASTINGS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William Robert HASTY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Leslie HATCH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Michael John HATCHER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William Thomas Bean HATCHETT, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Arthur HATELEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley Alfred HATELEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Henry HATFIELD, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Leslie HATFIELD, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald HATFIELD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Henry HATHAWAY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Hereward Norman HATHAWAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John de Courcey HATHAWAY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Lytton Beresford HATHAWAY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
George Harold HATHERLEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
George Harold HATHERLY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
James Ernest HATHERLY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Edwin Ernest Channing HATSWELL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James Robert HATTER, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Roy Stanley HATTER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard James HATTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
David Samuel HATTY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Vincent HATWELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Laurence HAUBER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James Albert HAUBER, General Service Reinforcements.
James Albert HAUBER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Nathaniel Radmore HAUMETT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry HAUSKNECHT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter HAUSKNECHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
William HAVERS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Felicious HAVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William HAVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William John HAVILL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Edwin George HAWES, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Robert Ernest HAWES, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Previous: HAM to HAR
Next: HAW to HEL
Sources Used:
National Archives Service File.
Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.
Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.
Collected Records of Steve Becker.
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.
Further Reading:
Australian Light Horse - Full Index
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: HAR to HAW