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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Thursday, 29 July 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: EAC to ELL
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: EAC to ELL


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


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Embarkation Roll: EAC to ELL


Francis Thomas EACOTT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel James EADES, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Charles Robert EADY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Roland Campbell EAGAR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Chester Aston EAGLE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry EAGLETON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John EAKINS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur EALES, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred James EAMER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Godfrey Cyril EARDLEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Roy EARL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence Joseph EARL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Gordon EARL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Percival Horace EARL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Percy EARL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert EARL, General Service Reinforcements.

William EARL, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Arthur EARLE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Richard EARLE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Hurtle Ray EARLE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Oliver EARLE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Speight EARLE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Bruce EARLE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Francis EARLE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Joseph Vincent EARLE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred William EARNSHAW, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick EARNSHAW, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert EARNSHAW, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Henry EASEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George Joseph EASEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

David Percy EASON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George EASON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

David EASSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Livingstone Tasman EAST, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John EAST, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Cadman EASTERBROOK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Clyde EASTERBROOK, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Wesley William EASTERBROOK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Vincent EASTGATE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Hardy EASTHER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Ridgeway EASTHER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edward EASTMAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman EASTMAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Paul EASTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Spencer EASTON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Robinson EASTON, Cable Signal Section.

John EASTWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur William EASTWOOD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Charles EASY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Athol Bert EATHER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Eugene Alfred EATHER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Bernard EATHER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

McAlpine EATHER, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Robert EATHER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Darcy George EATON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick George EATON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry EATON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry John EATON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack EATON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

John William EATON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William James EATON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Ernest EAUSTAUGHFFE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney EAVES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William EAVES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter EBBATSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Oscar Aubrey EBELING, General Service Reinforcements.

Walter Herbert EBERLE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie EBSWORTH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin Thomas EBZERY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick ECCLES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James ECCLES, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Wilhelm Berthold ECKERT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert George ECKHARDT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank ECKMAN, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander EDDIE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George EDDINGTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Herbert EDDINGTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Herbert EDDISON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Norman EDDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Albert Ernest EDDY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alwyn Clifford EDDY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

David Henry EDDY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Edward Gomer EDDY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Hosken EDDY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Henry Walter EDDY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy EDDY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur EDE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Charles Ross EDEN, General Service Reinforcements.

Gray Ernest EDEN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Phillip George EDEN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert James EDEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon EDGAR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Ian Swan EDGAR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Otho Swan EDGAR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Ronald Swan EDGAR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas EDGAR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Edmund Swan EDGAR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Hawkins EDGE, General Service Reinforcements.

Roy Larwell Grant EDGECOMBE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Willian EDGELL, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

William Frederick EDGERLEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred EDGERTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Bert William EDGERTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ion James Ernest EDGE-WILLIAMS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry EDGEWORTH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Desmond EDGEWORTH, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Daniel EDGEWORTH, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Patrick EDGINTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James Smith EDINGTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard John EDLIN, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Stanley EDMISTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George EDMISTONE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Henry EDMONDS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Herbert EDMONDS, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry EDMONDS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald George EDMONDS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John James EDMONDS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Sheppard Lee EDMONDS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Frederick Herbert EDMONDS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Gordon EDMONDSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward EDMONDSTONE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Albany EDMONSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Clifford Moss EDMUNDS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Hercules EDMUNDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Hunter EDMUNDS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

James EDNEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Darcy EDNEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ross Worthington EDOLS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward EDSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Anthony EDSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Basil Knox EDWARDES, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert EDWARDS, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert EDWARDS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred George EDWARDS, General Service Reinforcements.

Alfred Lawrence EDWARDS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur EDWARDS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Francis EDWARDS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur John EDWARDS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Robert EDWARDS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Austin William EDWARDS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin EDWARDS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles EDWARDS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles George EDWARDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Charles Rupert EDWARDS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence William EDWARDS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Clifford Edward EDWARDS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Clive EDWARDS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

David Eric EDWARDS, General Service Reinforcements.

David Ronald EDWARDS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas EDWARDS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward John EDWARDS, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Edward Jr EDWARDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Snr EDWARDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest EDWARDS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest EDWARDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Francis William EDWARDS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George EDWARDS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Peacock EDWARDS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George Rosevarne EDWARDS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon James EDWARDS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Brisbane Victor EDWARDS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Maxwell EDWARDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry John EDWARDS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry John Osler EDWARDS, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Herbert Thomas Noel EDWARDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Robert EDWARDS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James EDWARDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

James Henry EDWARDS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James Lewis Llewellyn EDWARDS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James Richard EDWARDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John EDWARDS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John EDWARDS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John EDWARDS, General Service Reinforcements.

John EDWARDS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John EDWARDS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry EDWARDS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John James EDWARDS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Verrall EDWARDS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John William EDWARDS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Laurie EDWARDS, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Leonard George EDWARDS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Whitford EDWARDS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Wilfred EDWARDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Lewis Charles EDWARDS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Malcolm Henry EDWARDS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Daly EDWARDS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Oscar Claude EDWARDS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Oswald Henry EDWARDS, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Owen EDWARDS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Richard EDWARDS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Richard EDWARDS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Luther EDWARDS, General Service Reinforcements.

Robert EDWARDS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Shakel EDWARDS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Archibald EDWARDS, General Service Reinforcements.

Roy William EDWARDS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Rupert Harry Adams EDWARDS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Rupert John EDWARDS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Clarence EDWARDS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Edward EDWARDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Thomas Benjamin EDWARDS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Benjamin EDWARDS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Claude EDWARDS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Henry EDWARDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Thomas Septymus EDWARDS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas William EDWARDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor Horace EDWARDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Vivian EDWARDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William EDWARDS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William EDWARDS, General Service Reinforcements.

William EDWARDS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Eugene EDWARDS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William James Munro EDWARDS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William John EDWARDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Roberts EDWARDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John Henry Walfred EEDY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie James EELES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril John EGAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Bryan EGAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Patrick EGAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George Hall EGAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Michael EGAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James EGAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Bede EGAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph EGAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Peter EGAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Joseph John EGAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Michael EGAN, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Hugh EGAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Thomas EGAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Kennedy EGAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William EGAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William EGAN, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.

Thomas Kennedy EGANaka Thomas Kennedy COLMAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Victor EGERTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil EGERTON-WARBURTON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Jonathan Seymour EGGAR, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Whitfield EGGERTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold James EGGINS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank EGGLESTON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Arthur John EGGLETON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Alvin EGLINTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Chomley EGLINTON, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Peter EHRLICH, General Service Reinforcements.

David Cecil EIG, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Wilho Alleinus EINO, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Herman EINSIEDEL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George James EIPPER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles EISELE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Julius David EITZEN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Herbert EKIN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ashley Kent EKINS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Aubrey Tom Johnstone ELCOATE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander John ELDER, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Robert ELDER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Henry Gale ELDERSHAW, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Prescott ELDERTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Gordon ELDRED, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Revett ELDRED, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Sydney Douglas James Priestley ELDRIDGE, General Service Reinforcements.

Charles ELDRIDGE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward ELDRIDGE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James ELDRIDGE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Brett ELDRIDGE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Rayston Cooper ELEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George John ELFICK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Charles ELIAS, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Douglas ELIBANK-MURRAY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Murray ELLA, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Brotherton ELLARD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter ELLARD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Horace ELLENDON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Lincombe ELLERTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Luscombe ELLERTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Edward ELLERY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Stephen ELLERY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles ELLICE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Grant ELLINGFORD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Frederick ELLINGHAM, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John Clarence ELLINGSEN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Charles ELLINGTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Clifford ELLINGWORTH, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Leslie Ernest ELLIOT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman John ELLIOT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William George ELLIOT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: DUN to DYS

Next:  ELL to EZZ


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: EAC to ELL

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 1 April 2010 6:32 PM EADT
Wednesday, 28 July 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: ELL to EZZ
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: ELL to EZZ


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: ELL to EZZ


Aice Austin ELLIOTT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alwyne ELLIOTT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Joseph ELLIOTT, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur Joseph Henry ELLIOTT, General Service Reinforcements.

Charles Francis ELLIOTT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Herbert ELLIOTT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Leslie ELLIOTT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

David ELLIOTT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Alexander ELLIOTT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric George ELLIOTT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Edgar ELLIOTT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Arthur ELLIOTT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick John ELLIOTT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George ELLIOTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Edward William ELLIOTT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert John Raymond ELLIOTT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Melville ELLIOTT, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Herbert Whittle ELLIOTT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Robert ELLIOTT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack James ELLIOTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James ELLIOTT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

James ELLIOTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James Alexander ELLIOTT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Henry Francis ELLIOTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John ELLIOTT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Lance ELLIOTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Shaw ELLIOTT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Melvin George ELLIOTT, General Service Reinforcements.

Murray James ELLIOTT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert ELLIOTT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Rupert Thomas ELLIOTT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Digby ELLIOTT, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Thomas Henry ELLIOTT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Patrick ELLIOTT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas T. ELLIOTT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Vere Lancelot ELLIOTT, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Wilfred Henry Leon ELLIOTT, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

William ELLIOTT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Alfred ELLIOTT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur ELLIOTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Ewen Robert ELLIOTT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Henry ELLIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander ELLIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred ELLIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Alphonsus ELLIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Henry William ELLIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Cecil George ELLIS, General Service Reinforcements.

David ELLIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis James ELLIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick ELLIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Bertram ELLIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick George ELLIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Mortimer ELLIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Albert ELLIS, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.

George Arthur ELLIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Gilbert ELLIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Guy ELLIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Stanley ELLIS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Alfred Edwin ELLIS, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Herbert John ELLIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Victor Valentine ELLIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Jack ELLIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John ELLIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Lewis Spencer ELLIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Harold ELLIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph John ELLIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Leicester George ELLIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Montefiore Athole ELLIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Neil Barker ELLIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald ELLIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Roy ELLIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Richard James ELLIS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Joseph Francis ELLIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Streater ELLIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney James ELLIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas ELLIS, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Thomas Hugh ELLIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Wallace Edward Vance ELLIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Wilfred Ernest ELLIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William ELLIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William ELLIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William ELLIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William ELLIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur Recell ELLIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William George ELLIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William George ELLIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William George ELLIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William James ELLIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander ELLISON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert ELLISON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Arthur ELLISON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Whiteford ELLISTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Vivian Guy ELLISTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Leonard ELLSWORTH, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Alfred ELLWOOD, General Service Reinforcements.

Robert Edward ELLWOOD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles ELLYSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry ELMER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James ELMER, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas ELMER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred ELMES, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred William ELMS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Bertram James ELMS, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Eric Raynor Vivian ELMS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Read ELMS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Edward Alfred ELMS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Cecil Alan Norman ELMS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence Theodore ELPHICK, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Henry ELPHICK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert ELSAY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry ELSBURY, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Cuthbert ELSDON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Cuthbert ELSDON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Claude Leslie ELSLEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Hubert Clive ELSNER, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

James Robert ELSTON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Frederick Arthur ELSWORTHY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Claude ELTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward ELTON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Thomas Henry ELVIN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Paul Leonard ELWELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Ernest ELWOOD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Edward John ELWORTHY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George Gould ELWORTHY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Baker ELWORTHY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Douglas ELWORTHY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Frederick Walters ELWORTHY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Maundy Garth ELWYN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Redvers ELY, General Service Reinforcements.

John EMANUELSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry EMERSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel John EMERSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel John EMERSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas EMERSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William David EMERSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur EMERY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Aston Howell EMERY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Charles EMERY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Clifford Ward EMERY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George EMERY, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Nesbitt Stanley EMERY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Bert George EMETT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude William EMMEL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Silvester John EMMERSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Cecil EMMERSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William EMMERT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Albert Stanley EMMERTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry EMMERTON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Henry EMMETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Vaughan EMMETT, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

William Richard EMMETT, General Service Reinforcements.

Alfred Ernest EMMINS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William John EMMONS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Victor EMSLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold A. ENDICOTT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Vivian Theophilus ENGLAND, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William Vignols ENGLAND, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward ENGLISH, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Edmond ENGLISH, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Vivian ENGLISH, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank William ENGLISH, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Milton ENGLISH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George ENGLISH, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

James ENGLISH, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Lawrence ENGLISH, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Norice Arthur ENGLISH, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy ENGLISH, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James ENNIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley ENNIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael James ENRIGHT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Mervyn George ENSBEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Edwin ENSOR, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter ENTWHISTLE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John William ENTWISTLE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Thomas James ENTWISTLE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William David EPHGRAVE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Victor EPPS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph James ERB, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Mayfield ERCK, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry ERFURTH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew James ERICKSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert George ERICKSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Adolph ERICKSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Waldemar ERICKSSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Percy Ray ERINBERG, General Service Reinforcements.

Benjamin Willoughby ERRATT, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas ERRINGTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Charles Thomas Stewart ERROCK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Playstead ESLAKE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry ESLER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harold ESPIE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Wallace ESSAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Horsford ESSERY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy William ESSEX, General Service Reinforcements.

James ESSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Alfred Ernest ETHEREDGE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin William ETHERIDGE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Henry ETHERIDGE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George Lord ETHERINGTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry ETHERINGTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edward ETHERTON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Robert ETHERTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry ETHERTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Henry ETHERTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Lawrence Frederick ETHERTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur ETTRIDGE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Patrick EURELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Williamson EUSTACE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George Hieton EUSTIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred George EVA, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert EVANS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edward EVANS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Lacey EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander George EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Albert Henry EVANS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Maxwell EVANS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Francis EVANS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Francis EVANS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Francis EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur James EVANS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Leslie EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Stokes EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil George EVANS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles EVANS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Joseph EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Verner EVANS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charley EVANS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Clive William EVANS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Colin Charles EVANS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril EVANS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

David EVANS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

David EVANS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

David EVANS, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

David Llewellyn EVANS, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

David Walter EVANS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Francis EVANS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Young EVANS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Davies EVANS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Esmond EVANS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Garnet EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick EVANS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George EVANS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry EVANS, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

George Isaac EVANS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George Lacey EVANS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George Vernon EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry EVANS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Herbert Edward EVANS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Ivor EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Edward EVANS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Henry EVANS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John EVANS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Archibald EVANS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Caradock EVANS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Francis EVANS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry EVANS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph EVANS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Thomas EVANS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Alick EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Henry EVANS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Louis Arthur EVANS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Lyle Joshua EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Matthew Thomas Pain EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Maurice Caine EVANS, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Maurice John EVANS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Leo EVANS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Edward EVANS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Bennett EVANS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert EVANS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Royce Arnold EVANS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Albert EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Robert EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas EVANS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Leyworthy EVANS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Robert EVANS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Tom EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William EVANS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William EVANS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William EVANS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Alfred EVANS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Frederick EVANS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Hayes EVANS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Issac EVANS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William John EVANS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Tasker EVANS , General Service Reinforcements.

Mortimer EVE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Victor Roy EVENS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Bernard Ingvald EVENSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William James EVERDELL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry EVEREST, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Manuel EVERETT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Kingsly EVERETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Richard William EVERETT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George EVERETT, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

George Edwin EVERETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James Henry EVERETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George EVERINGHAM, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Reginald Bouchier EVERINGHAM, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James William EVERINGTON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

David Victor EVERSHED, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred David EVES, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Frederick Joseph EVES, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John EVES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Andy Frederick Cleven EVETTS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Allen Melrose EWAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Keith EWAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Haydon EWART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James Stewart EWART, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

James William Gladstone EWART, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Bruce Skinner EWEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Beaton George EWENS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank EWIN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman EWIN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

James Cemp EWING, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas EWING, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Campbell EWING, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William EWING, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George Simmons EWINGTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John William George EWINGTON, General Service Reinforcements.

Ernest Joseph EXELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry EXELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Stanley Pryse EXELL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William EXELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Rupert EXON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Trevor EXTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Ernest EYERS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Howard Loftie EYLES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Andrew EYLES, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas EYNON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar EYRE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Charles EYRE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Lewis EYRE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Percival Hurtle George EYRE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick James EZZY, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Louis Conrad EZZY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.


Previous: EAC to ELL

Next:  FAC to FER


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: ELL to EZZ

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 1 April 2010 6:33 PM EADT
Queensland Light Horse Locations, 1910
Topic: Militia - LHQ - Qld

Queensland Mounted Infantry

Queensland Light Horse Locations, 1910

Queensland Mounted Infantry [1860 - 1866]
Queensland Mounted Infantry [1885 - 1900]


March: Soldiers of the Queen

 South Africa 1899 - 1902

Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Oversea Dominions Regiment).


Towns throughout Queensland with a Light Horse Troop, 1910

The 1903 re-organisation of the Light Horse expanded and consolidated the number of units throughout Australia. Below is a list of towns in Queensland  where a Light Horse troop was based. The towns are listed alphabetically with the particular Troop or Squadron noted next to it.

Allora - 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Beaudesert - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Bell - 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Biggenden - 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Bowen - 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Brisbane - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment Headquarters, Machine Gun Section and No 1 Squadron (part)
Brisbane - 5th Australian Light Horse Brigade  Headquarters
Clifton - 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Forest Hill - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Gatton - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Gayndah - 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Gympie - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Helidon - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Ingham - 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Ipswich - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Irvingdale - 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Killarney - 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Lowood - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Ma Ma Creek - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Mackay - 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron
Mount Chalmers - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Mount Morgan - 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron
Pie Creek - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Rockhampton - 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment Headquarters, Machine Gun Section, and No 1 Squadron
Roma - 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Terror's Creek - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Tiaro - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Toogoolawah - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Toowoomba - 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment Headquarters, Machine Gun Section, and No 1 Squadron (part)
Townsville - 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 6 Squadron
Warwick - 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Woodhill - 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Yangan - 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)



See: Queensland Mounted Infantry, Contents


Further Reading:

Queensland Mounted Infantry

Boer War - Queensland Mounted Infantry

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: Queensland Light Horse Locations, 1910

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 9 July 2010 5:29 PM EADT
Tuesday, 27 July 2004
Queensland Light Horse Locations, 1913
Topic: Militia - LHQ - Qld




Queensland Mounted Infantry

Queensland Light Horse Locations, 1913

Queensland Mounted Infantry [1860 - 1866]
Queensland Mounted Infantry [1885 - 1900]


March: Soldiers of the Queen

 South Africa 1899 - 1902

Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Oversea Dominions Regiment).


1913 Light Horse Militia Structure and Location of Activity List in Queensland

During the re-organisation of the Militia as a consequence of the 1910 Kitchener Report, a new system of raising the forces occurred. In so doing, areas whose population altered and were unable to sustain any Militia activity had functions removed. Other areas had the units peculiar to the particular state disbanded or amalgamated with other units. In 1911 there were specific 1,527 Militia activities spread over the continent of Australia. This increased to 1,772 Militia activities in 1912. However, the transition was not always linear. In the shake-up, 236 Militia activities were removed from various centres. The major reason for the removal of an activity related to population issues. The main item removed from an area was the rifle club.

The following is a list of all Light Horse Militia activities that were in operation from a particular location in Queensland during the 1912 year.


Allora, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron (part)
Ayr, Qld: 27th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters and "A" Squadron (part)


Beaudesert, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "A" Squadron (part)
Beenleigh, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "A" Squadron (part)
Biggenden, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron (part)
Bowen, Qld: 27th Australian Light Horse Regiment, "A" Squadron (part)
Brisbane, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Brigade HQ
Brisbane, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters & MGS 


Clifton, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron (part)
Coraki, Qld: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron (part)






Forest Hill, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron (part)


Gatton, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron (part)
Gayndah, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron (part)
Gracemere, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, "A" Squadron (part)
Gympie, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters and "C" Squadron (part)


Hemmant, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "A" Squadron (part)


Ipswich, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron (part)






Laidley, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron (part)
Lowood, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron (part)


Ma Ma Creek, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron (part)
Mackay, Qld: 27th Australian Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron (part)
Marburg, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron (part)
Mareeba, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, E Squadron (part)
Mount Morgan, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron




Oakey, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "A" Squadron (part)


Pie Creek, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron (part)
Pittsworth, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "A" Squadron (part)
Pratten, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron (part)




Rockhampton, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, Machine Gun Section and "A" Squadron (part)
Roma, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron (part)


Stanwell, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, "A" Squadron (part)


Toowoomba, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters, Machine Gun Section, and "A" Squadron (part)
Townsville, Qld: 27th Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron (part)






Warwick, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron (part)
Woodhill, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, "A" Squadron (part)
Wyearbah, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, "A" Squadron (part)






See: Queensland Mounted Infantry, Contents


Further Reading:

Queensland Mounted Infantry

Boer War - Queensland Mounted Infantry

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation:  Queensland Light Horse Locations, 1913

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 9 July 2010 5:23 PM EADT
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: FAC to FER
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: FAC to FER


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: FAC to FER


Herbert FACEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Thomas FACEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Robinson FAGAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Victor FAGG, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Edward FAGG, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Jack FAGIN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ambrose FAHEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Cornelius FAHEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Patrick FAHEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Francis William FAHEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James FAHEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

James FAHEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Albert FAHEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter FAHEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Gerald George FAHEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Timothy FAHEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Victor George FAHRENKROG, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William Menzies FAICHNEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Clyde FAINT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Albert FAIRBAIRN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur FAIRBAIRN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry FAIRBAIRN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Greer Gould FAIRBAIRN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Smart FAIRBAIRN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Ralph Stewart FAIREY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Arthur FAIRFAX, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Basil FAIRFAX-ROSS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

James FAIRHALL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Huntley FAIRHALL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Allen FAIRHALL, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Wooding FAIRLAMB, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Edgar FAIRLEIGH, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Hector Horace FAIRLEIGH, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Alexander FAIRLEY, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Lionel Rupert FAIRLIE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Reginald FAIRLIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Hamilton FAIRLIE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas FAIRLIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

David Fraser FAIRWEATHER, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

David Fraser FAIRWEATHER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas Allen FAIRWEATHER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Berry FAIRWEATHER, General Service Reinforcements.

James Medlyn FAIRWEATHER, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Lionel Edward James FAIRWEATHER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Lionel James Edward FAIRWEATHER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George Leslie FAITHFULL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Adam FALCONER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John FALCONER, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Gordon FALCONER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur William FALKNER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Bland FALLA, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

John FALLE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Reginald FALLICK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edward FALLON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George FALLON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Harrison Goodenough FALLON, General Service Reinforcements.

Henry Joseph FALLON, General Service Reinforcements.

James FALLON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James FALLON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James George FALLON, General Service Reinforcements.

Stephen FALLON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Hugh FALLOW, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Hugh FALLOW, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Lyle Clifford FALLS, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Samuel Frederick FALLS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Gustaf Person FALT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Albert FANNING, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Rogers FANNING, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Phillip FANNING, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Fred Arthur FANNON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Herbert FARAGHER, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Jack Edward FARCKENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James Kinman FARDON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edward FARE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Downton FAREY, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

John Taylor FARGHER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Beswick FARGHER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Beswick FARGHER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Archie John FARLEIGH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Ernest FARLEIGH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edwin FARLEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Leslie FARLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Leslie FARLEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur Morris FARLEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Brian FARLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Eugene FARLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Norris FARLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry James FARLEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Peter James FARLEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Richard John FARLEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Edward FARLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor John FARLEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Garnet FARLOW, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Hamilton FARLOW, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Merton Glynn FARLOW, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Charles Norman Caldwell FARMER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ebenezer FARMER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank FARMER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon John FARMER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert FARMER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Wagner FARMER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Melville Orchard FARMER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy FARMER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy George FARMER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Phillip Charles FARMER, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Ernest FARNAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frazer FARNANT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles James FARNELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Samuel FARNES, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.

Alfred George FARNHAM, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles James FARNSWORTH, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman FAROE, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.

Michael John FARQUER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Clarence FARQUHAR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Wallace Kemmis FARQUHAR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Barclay Alexander FARQUHAR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Arnott FARQUHAR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alexander FARQUHAR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Anderson FARQUHAR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Whilkie FARQUHARSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Richard FARQUHARSON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Evelyn Maxwell Hutton FARQUHARSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Percy A. FARR, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Harold Lascelles FARRANT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Francis FARRAR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph FARRAR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert William FARRELL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander James FARRELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Ralston FARRELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Nicholas FARRELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest FARRELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Roy FARRELL, Light Horse Reinforcements.

George Michael FARRELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George Michael FARRELL, General Service Reinforcements.

Harold George FARRELL, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph FARRELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Michael FARRELL, General Service Reinforcements.

John Sydney FARRELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Thomas FARRELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Francis FARRELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick James FARRELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Longhurst FARRELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Longhurst FARRELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas FARRELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas FARRELL, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas James FARRELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William FARRELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William Joseph FARRELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Leslie Hayles FARRELLY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas FARRELLY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Thomas FARREN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest FARRER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

David James FARTHING, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Roy FARTHING, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry FATZEUS, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Austin FAULKINER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Oswald FAULKINER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas Osborne FAULKNER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Roland FAULKNER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Walter FAULKNER, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

George FAULKNER, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

George Henry FAULKNER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Martin FAULKNER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George Redmond FAULKNER, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Hamlyn George FAULKNER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harry FAULKNER, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry FAULKNER, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

John Basil FAULKNER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John James FAULKNER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Morris FAULKNER, General Service Reinforcements.

Andrew Thomas FAULKNER aka John McGowen , General Service Reinforcements.

Ernest Albert FAULL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Harold FAULL, General Service Reinforcements.

Kenneth FAUNCE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Marcus Gordon FAUNCE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Hector Charles FAUVEL, General Service Reinforcements.

Frank Edward FAVELL, Cable Signal Section.

Arthur Alderson FAWCETT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Edward FAWCETT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard James FAWCETT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Norman FAWCETT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Rodger Creavy FAWCETT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Glenridding FAWCETT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Stewart Glenridding FAWCETT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Isaac John FAWKES, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George FAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Alphonsus Gerald FAY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Vincent FAY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Dalyrymple Harris FAYLE, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Stanley Roy FAYLE, General Service Reinforcements.

James Hardy FAZIO, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

David James FEA, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Page FEARS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick James FEAST aka Frank ALLEN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Walter FEATHERBY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter FEATHERBY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William James FEBEN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John Edward FECHNAR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Albert FECHNER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald FEDRICK, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Leslie FEEBREY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John Walter FEEHAN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest FEENEY, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

John James FEGAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Karl FEIDLER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William James FELGATE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Arthur FELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred FELL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Walter FELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert FELL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Robert Valentine FELL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Hubert FELL, General Service Reinforcements.

William Hewitt FELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin FELMINGHAM, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel FELSCHOW, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel FELSCHOW, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter FELSTEAD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Allan FELTIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Royal FELTUS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Martin FENDER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur FENN, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Robert James FENN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Stephen Cassen FENNELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Dillon FENNELL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Hugh FENNELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Lionel FENNER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Marshall FENNER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Adrian FENNER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Edgar FENNER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Bernard John FENNESSY, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.

James FENNESSY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George FENNING, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph FENSOM, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Richard Henry FENTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William FENTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William Gordon FENTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry FENTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Basil Middleton FENWICK, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Henry FENWICK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Abraham FENWICK, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Christopher Rupert FENWICKE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Conard William Bertram FERBER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Walter Thomas FERBER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George FERBER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Henry FERBER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John FERGUS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph FERGUS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter FERGUS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Wallace Stanley FERGUS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Dundas FERGUSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Patrick FERGUSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew FERGUSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew FERGUSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Douglas FERGUSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Archie FERGUSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur FERGUSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur William FERGUSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Stuart FERGUSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Stuart FERGUSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Vernon FERGUSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Cleveland Harold FERGUSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Henry FERGUSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Maxwell FERGUSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Charles FERGUSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George Allan FERGUSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George Arthur FERGUSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Donald FERGUSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry James FERGUSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Herbert William FERGUSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Stanley FERGUSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James FERGUSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James Bede FERGUSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

James Edward FERGUSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

James Henry FERGUSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James Maxwell FERGUSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Maxwell FERGUSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John FERGUSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Hayter FERGUSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Patrick FERGUSON, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Joseph Hugh FERGUSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Keith FERGUSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Robert FERGUSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert beach FERGUSON, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Ennis FERGUSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Ernest FERGUSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Samual Henry FERGUSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Alexander FERGUSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William FERGUSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William Bell FERGUSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Robert FERGUSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Steel FERGUSON, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

William Stuart FERGUSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas FERGUSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur FERNANCE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John FERNANDEZ, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Selby Arthur FERNEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Duff FERNIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Alexander FERNIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Robert FERNIHOUGH, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.


Previous: ELL to EZZ

Next:  FER to FLE


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: FAC to FER

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 1 April 2010 10:46 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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