Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z
Australian Light Horse - Full Index
Embarkation Roll: MIT to MOR
The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.
Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:
First Names;
Family Name;
If applicable, any false name employed; and,
Embarkation unit.
Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.
Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.
Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.
Finding more about a service person.
Embarkation Roll: MIT to MOR
Henry Francis MITSELBURG, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Edwin Jnr MITTENDORF, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Edwin Snr MITTENDORF, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Nicholas Walter MITTY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Francis Cornwall MOAD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard MOASE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William Joseph Samuel MOATE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Lionel Owen MOBBS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William Arthur MOBBS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
William George Delmar MOBBS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John MOCATTA, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Gustav William MOEBUS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur MOELLER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Josiah Sleeman MOFATT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Allan Gathorn MOFFAT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
David Alan Henderson MOFFAT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Cameron MOFFAT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Hugh MOFFAT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman Stanley MOFFAT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Turner MOFFAT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Denis Delacy MOFFATT, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Edward MOFFATT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Hayward Hugh MOFFATT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Collinson MOFFATT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander MOFFETT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
John King MOFFETT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Clyde MOFFITT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
George Thomas MOFFITT, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Robert Morrow MOFFITT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Percy Sutherland MOFFLIN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Emil Otto MOHN, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Henry Quinton MOHR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Duncan MacNiven MOIR, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
George Fiddes MOIR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Pierce Christopher MOIR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Stuart Alexander Hogg MOIR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Gerald Fitzgerald MOISSEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman Sydney MOLAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Joseph Thomas MOLE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
William James MOLE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Edgar MOLESWORTH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Edwin Henry MOLL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Louis Gustave Adolph MOLL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter MOLL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Mans Augustus Anderson Back MOLLER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander Stewart MOLLISON, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Archibald Lewis MOLLOY, General Service Reinforcements.
Basil Oliver James MOLLOY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Basil Oliver James MOLLOY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
David MOLLOY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
George Spiridon MOLLOY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
James Alphonus Nicholas MOLLOY, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
James Stephen MOLLOY, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
James Vincent MOLLOY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John Edward MOLLOY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
John Patrick MOLLOY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Arthur MOLLOY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley William MOLLOY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Joseph MOLLOY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
William Leslie MOLLOY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Daniel MOLONEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Frank MOLONEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
James MOLONEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Kevin John MOLONY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Leopold Thomas MOLONY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Alexander MOMSEN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Edward MONAGHAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
John MONAGHAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Leonard MONAGHAN, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Michael James Patrick MONAGHAN, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.
Patrick MONAGHAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Stephen Frederick MONAGHAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
William John Cecil MONAGHAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Patrick James MONAHAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Bert MONAR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
John Bain MONCRIEFF, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Rostrevor MONCRIEFF, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William Francis MONCRIEFF, General Service Reinforcements.
Harry Eastwood MONDS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward MONEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Hawthorn MONGER, General Service Reinforcements.
Edward Robert MONK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Walter MONK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Tasman MONKS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
William Alfred MONKTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Richard MONROE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
James Gavin MONROE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas MONTAGUE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Robert MONTAGUE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Will MONTEFIORE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Hugh Stanley MONTEITH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
William James MONTEITH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
John MONTGOMERIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Hamilton Ross MONTGOMERY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert Sydney MONTGOMERY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
John Francis MONTGOMERY, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
John McNeill MONTGOMERY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Percival William MONTGOMERY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Hamilton MONTGOMERY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Julius Ceasar MONTY, Cable Signal Section.
Ray Hector Urban MONTY, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.
Jacques MONY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Alan Arthur MOODIE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Henry Alexander MOODIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
James Alfoncis MOODIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
John Thomas MOODIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Owen Robert MOODIE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Henry John MOODY, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Charles Arthur Langden MOODY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Claude MOODY, Light Horse Reinforcements.
Ernest Belmore MOODY, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Harry MOODY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert Arthur MOODY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
John MOODY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
John Vivian MOODY, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Philip James MOODY, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.
Trevor Roy MOODY, Light Horse Reinforcements.
William St Vincent MOODY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert George MOON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Stanley MOON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Clarence Adolphus George MOON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Claude Victor Norman MOON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Daniel James MOON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Donald MOON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Rupert Vance MOON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter MOON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur William MOONEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Vaughan MOONEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Francis MOONEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
James MOONEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
James Thomas MOONEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
John MOONEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
John MOONEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
John MOONEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Norman Edgar MOONEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Thomas Lawrence MOONEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Hugh MOONY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert MOORE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Rolfe MOORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Norman MOORE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Allan John MOORE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Allen Roy MOORE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.
Arthur MOORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Edwin MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Artnur Claude MOORE, General Service Reinforcements.
Bertram MOORE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles MOORE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Connor MOORE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Henry MOORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Samuel MOORE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Clarence Edward Giles MOORE, General Service Reinforcements.
Clarence Stewart MOORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Daniel Celestine MOORE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
David William MOORE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Edgar MOORE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Edward MOORE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward John MOORE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank MOORE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Charles MOORE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick James MOORE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Frederick John MOORE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Joseph MOORE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Raymond MOORE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
George MOORE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
George Valentine MOORE, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.
George William MOORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Harold MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold MOORE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Gordon MOORE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Harold Joseph MOORE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Richard MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry George MOORE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry James MOORE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Henry John MOORE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Walter MOORE, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.
Herbert George MOORE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Hinckley Robert MOORE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Horton Percy MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Irwin Samuel MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
James MOORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
James Arthur MOORE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
James Joseph MOORE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
James Joseph MOORE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
James Lorenzo MOORE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
James Patrick MOORE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John MOORE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
John Christian MOORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
John Reginald MOORE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
John Rupert Darrell MOORE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
John Thomas MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
John William MOORE, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph MOORE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph Charles MOORE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie Robert MOORE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Leslie Wylie MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Matthew MOORE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Matthew William MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Oscar Lyall MOORE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Percival MOORE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Raymond MOORE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald George MOORE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald Johnstone MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard John MOORE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Kingsmill MOORE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Stanley MOORE, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
Robert Frederick MOORE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.
Robert James MOORE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Samuel MOORE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel Vincent MOORE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel Vincent MOORE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel Watson MOORE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Sydney Herbert Worsford MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Sydney Millard MOORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Bevan MOORE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Hubert MOORE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas James MOORE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Matthew MOORE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Parry MOORE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas William Sparcey MOORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Walter John MOORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William MOORE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
William Henry MOORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William Milne MOORE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
John Arnold MOOREHEAD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie MOOREHEAD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
George Frederick MOOREHOUSE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
John Thomas MOORES, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert John MOORES, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
William MOORFOOT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Donald Bain MOORHEAD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest MOORHOUSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank Harold Gregory MOORHOUSE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Harry Russell MOORHOUSE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
William Arthur MOORMAN, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
James Humphrey MOORS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Cyril MORAHAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Alfred Eugene MORAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Bernard Herbert MORAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward John MORAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Harry Charles MORAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Joseph MORAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James MORAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
John MORAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
John Francis MORAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
John Joseph MORAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
John Patrick MORAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Lewis MORAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Michael Arthur MORAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Philip Lester MORAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Sidney Leslie MORAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Sydney Luke MORAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William MORAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William MORAN, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
William Joseph MORAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Pietro MORASCHINI, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Richard MORCOM, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Leslie Vertelle MORCOM, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Arnold Edward MORCOMBE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur MORCOMBE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Henry MORDECAI, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Matthew Henry MOREAU, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Henry MORECOMBE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Herbert MORELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Roy MORELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William George MOREN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Archibald Hubert MORETON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
George Victor MORETON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Edwin John MOREY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Fred Edmund McKenzie MOREY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
James Dodds MOREY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur James MORFFEW, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Previous: MIC to MIT
Next: MOR to MOY
Sources Used:
National Archives Service File.
Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.
Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.
Collected Records of Steve Becker.
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.
Further Reading:
Australian Light Horse - Full Index
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: MIT to MOR