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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Tuesday, 1 June 2004
24th Australian (Flinders) Light Horse, 1917
Topic: Militia - LHS - 24/9

24th ALH

24th Australian (Flinders) Light Horse



Adelaide Cavalry Squadron [1841 - 1844]
Adelaide Mounted Rifles [1844 - 1899]
South Australian Mounted Rifles [1899 - 1903]
17th (South Australian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
24th Australian (Flinders) Light Horse [1912 - 1919]
9th Australian (Flinders) Light Horse [1919 - 1936]
9/23 Australian (Flinders) Light Horse [1936 - 1942]
9th Motor Regiment, Australian (Flinders) Light Horse [1942 - 1943]
3/9th South Australian Mounted Rifles [1952 - ]

Pro Gloria et Honore 

9th Australian (Flinders) Light Horse Badge

 South Africa 1899 - 1902

Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment).



Northern South Australia


2nd Division


8th Brigade



Honorary Colonel

Brigadier General Henry de Beauvoir De Lisle, CB, DSO, psc, Commander 2nd Cavalry Brigade, Southern Command, British Army, 1 June 1914.

Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Reginald Robert Baldwin, 16 August 1914, Temporary Commander from 16 August 1914, Absent on AIF Service.

Second in Command

Major Peter Joseph Walsh, 16 March 1915. 


Captain Alexander David Mitchell, 1 January 1916.


Honorary Lieutenant William John Henry Burford, 1 January 1916. 

Medical Officer

Captain Dean Dawson, 3 August 1914, Absent on AIF Service.

Veterinary Officer

Captain William Robert Bruce Wakeham, 16 January 1914, Absent on AIF Service.

Supernumerary Officers

Lieutenant Edwin Cooper Derrington, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Arthur John Thompson, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant William Edgar Maxwell Blight, 1 July 1915.

Area Officers 

Major James Edward Barrett, 1 April 1914, Absent on AIF Service.


Machine Gun Section

Crystal Brook

Lieutenant Thomas William Richardson Forgan, 16 February 1913.


"A" Squadron, Port Pirie - Crystal Brook - Wirrabara - Laura - Gladstone

Lieutenant David Baird Wilson, 14 February 1894.

Lieutenant Richard Harry Sampson, 1 July 1914.

Lieutenant James Alexander Sampson, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant Alexander Joseph Watt, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Henry Charles Taylor Andrews, 16 April 1916.


"B" Squadron, Jamestown - Petersburg - Orroroo - Broken Hill

Captain Horatio Abner Toop, 1 January 1916.

Lieutenant John Robert Rosie, 7 June 1910, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Joseph Johnston Brooks, 16 May 1913, Absent on AIF Service, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Algernon Mossop, Boer War Veteran, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Walter Hamilton Scott, Boer War Veteran, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant William Edward Pascoe, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Dalzell Trimmer, 1 August 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Ernest Leslie Johnston, 16 April 1916.



"C" Squadron, Clare - Balaklava - Kadina - Wallaroo - Brinkworth

Lieutenant Archibald Harold Bray, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Archie Dick, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Ernest Middleton Kitto, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Thomas Russell Lamborne, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant Frederick William Stanton, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Duncan Menzies, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Arthur Seymour Hawker, 1 July 1915.



Previous:  24th Australian (Flinders) Light Horse, 1916

Next: 24th Australian (Flinders) Light Horse, 1918


Further Reading:

24th Australian (Flinders) Light Horse

Militia Light Horse, South Australia

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: 24th Australian (Flinders) Light Horse, 1917

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 3 June 2010 4:58 PM EADT
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: POO to PRI
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: POO to PRI


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: POO to PRI


Frederick William POOLEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Leonard Kingdon POOLEY, General Service Reinforcements

Robert James POORE, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Alexander POPE, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Arthur Henry POPE, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Charles Henry POPE, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Donald Alexander POPE, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Ernest Edward POPE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Harold POPE, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Henry Webb POPE, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Herbert POPE, 10th Light Horse Regiment

John Gladstone POPE, 1st Light Horse Regiment

John Sydney POPE, General Service Reinforcements

Norman Edward Arthur POPE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Reuben John POPE, General Service Reinforcements

Sidney Ernest POPE, 12th Light Horse Regiment

John Robert POPLE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

William Alfred POPLE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Thomas James POPPLE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

John Thomas POPPLETON, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Jonathan Murgatroyd PORRITT, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Walter William PORRITT, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Roy Albert PORTEOUS, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Roy Edgar PORTEOUS, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Thomas Stanley Gordon PORTEOUS, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Clarence Hedley PORTER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Cyril Joseph PORTER, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Francis James PORTER, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Frank PORTER, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Frederick PORTER, 13th Light Horse Regiment

George James PORTER, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron

Henry Leonard PORTER, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Ivo George PORTER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

James Clifton PORTER, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron

James Ernest Lancelot PORTER, 9th Light Horse Regiment

James Herbert PORTER, 7th Light Horse Regiment

John Thomas PORTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Jonathan Stanley PORTER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Keith George PORTER, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Leonard PORTER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Milson John Herbert PORTER, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Percy PORTER, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Robert PORTER, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Robert Beatie PORTER, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Robert Charles PORTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Stanley Keoppen PORTER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Thomas PORTER, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Thomas Hedley PORTER, 10th Light Horse Regiment

William Allen PORTER, 9th Light Horse Regiment

William Sylvester PORTER, General Service Reinforcements

Albert Claude PORTHOUSE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Robert PORTLEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Alfred Macquarie PORTLOCK, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Clarence Alfred POSSINGHAM, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

John Joyce POSTLETHWAITE, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Owen POSTLETHWAITE, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Charles POTGORT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Arthur Laurence POTTER, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Cecil Victor POTTER, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Eric Edgar POTTER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Ewart Charles POTTER, 7th Light Horse Regiment

George POTTER, 14th Light Horse Regiment

George Livesley POTTER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Henry POTTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Henry George POTTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Herbert Anderson POTTER, 9th Light Horse Regiment

James Thomas POTTER, 13th Light Horse Regiment

John Daniel POTTER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

John Luke POTTER, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Joseph POTTER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Llewellyn Henry POTTER, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Peter John POTTER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Thomas Harold James POTTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Vincent Charles POTTER, 1st Light Horse Brigade

William George Alexander POTTER, 13th Light Horse Regiment

William Thompson POTTER, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron

William Wickford POTTER, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Edward POTTS, General Service Reinforcements

Edward Alfred POTTS, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance

Eric Edward Noble POTTS, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Frank Waldo POTTS, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance

Frederick Joseph POTTS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Jack Diamond Sumners POTTS, 7th Light Horse Regiment

James POTTS, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Leonard Malcom POTTS, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Pembroke POTTS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Henry Vere POULETT-HARRIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Alfred POULSEN, 11th Light Horse Regiment

John POULSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Arthur William POULTER, 8th Light Horse Regiment

John POULTER, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Moreton Stafford POULTNEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Frederick POULTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Harry Frank POULTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Ralph POUNSBERRY, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Ralph POUNSBERRY, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Albert POUNTNEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Benjamin POUNTNEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Claude Hastings POUNTNEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment

David POUNTNEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Leslie Raymond POUNTNEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Rupert Keith POUNTNEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Benno Walter POUTT, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Victor Albert POVEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Harold Richard POWE, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Albert Edward POWELL, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance

Alick Angus POWELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Archibald James POWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Arthur Roy POWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Britton Allan POWELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Charles Baxter POWELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Charles Baxter POWELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Charles Frederick POWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Charles Robert POWELL, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements

Claude POWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Eric POWELL, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Ernest POWELL, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Frederick James POWELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment

George POWELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment

George POWELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Gilbert Lincoln POWELL, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements

Henry POWELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Henry Clay POWELL, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements

Henry Herman POWELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment

John Francis POWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment

John Matthew POWELL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Maxwell Walter POWELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Michael Lewis POWELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Patrick Joseph POWELL, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Sidney Alfred POWELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Sidney George POWELL, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Thomas POWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Valentine POWELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment

William Lewis POWELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Daniel Francis Joseph POWER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Edward Gladstone POWER, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Ernest Joseph POWER, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Frank Armstrong POWER, 12th Light Horse Regiment

George William POWER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Herbert Arthur POWER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Issac Edward POWER, 14th Light Horse Regiment

James David POWER, 12th Light Horse Regiment

John Joseph POWER, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Joseph James POWER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Joseph James POWER, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Leonard Plunckett POWER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Michael POWER, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Paul POWER, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Percival James POWER, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Robert Henry Wilson POWER, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop

William POWER, 11th Light Horse Regiment

William Joseph POWER, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance

Michael POWIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Cecil Reginald POWYS, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Frederick George POWYS, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop

Reuben Joseph POXON, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Arthur Henry POYNTING, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Harold Gould POYNTING, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron

Alexander James POYNTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Alfred Thomas PRATER, 13th Light Horse Regiment

John Meyers PRATER, 13th Light Horse Regiment

William Ernest PRATER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Reginald William PRATLEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Albert Henry George PRATT, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Arthur Rex PRATT, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Cedric Belford PRATT, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Christian Edward PRATT, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Christian Edward PRATT, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Christian Edward PRATT, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Edwin PRATT, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Ernest George PRATT, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Harry Leslie PRATT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

John Courtney PRATT, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Phillip PRATT, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Robert Henry Werribee PRATT, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Robert William PRATT, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Septimus Felix PRATT, 10th Light Horse Regiment

William Herbert PRATT, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Arthur william PREBBLE, 14th Light Horse Regiment

Allan PREECE, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Albert Victor PREEDY, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Charles Sylvester PREISS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Albert James PRENDERGAST, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Cyril PRENDERGAST, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Desmond Paul PRENDERGAST, 11th Light Horse Regiment

George Edward PRENDERGAST, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

John Joseph PRENDERGAST, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Edgar Owen PRENTICE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron

Frederick Samuel PRENTICE, 10th Light Horse Regiment

George Foxton PRENTICE, 6th Light Horse Regiment

John Richard PRENTICE, 11th Light Horse Regiment

William Arthur PRENTICE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

John PREO, 14th Light Horse Regiment

Charles Elve PRESCOTT, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Harold Ogilvie PRESHAW, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Wesley PRESHO, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Thomas PRESLAND, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Alfred Edward PRESS, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Percy Cyril PREST, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Henry Albert PRESTIDGE, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Henry Albert PRESTIDGE, General Service Reinforcements

James Arthur PRESTIDGE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Basil PRESTON, General Service Reinforcements

Charles Arthur Leslie PRESTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment

George Angus PRESTON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Howard Avondale PRESTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Osman Robert PRESTON, 14th Light Horse Regiment

Reginald Lawrence PRESTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Stanley Richard Brookhouse PRESTON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements

Walter George Edward PRESTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Walter George Edward PRESTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment

George PRETTEJOHN, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Gillard John PRETTEJOHN, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Walter Henry PRETTEJOHN, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Charles James PREVOST, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Roy PREWETT, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Alexander William PRICE, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Andrew Walter John Thomas PRICE, General Service Reinforcements

Arthur Ernest PRICE, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Arthur Wakefield PRICE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Austin PRICE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance

Benjamin Henry Eyles PRICE, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Bert PRICE, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Bertie PRICE, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Charles Edward PRICE, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance

Charles Robert PRICE, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Charles Robert PRICE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Colin Martin PRICE, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Columbus Leigh PRICE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

David Lllewellyn PRICE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Donald Ernest PRICE, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Donald Ernest PRICE, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Eric James Mervyn PRICE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Ernest Thomas PRICE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Frederick PRICE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Frederick Gregory PRICE, 9th Light Horse Regiment

George PRICE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron

George Albert PRICE, 6th Light Horse Regiment

George Albert PRICE, 9th Light Horse Regiment

George Ernest PRICE, 12th Light Horse Regiment

George Henry Burnett PRICE, 1st Light Horse Regiment

George Owen PRICE, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Harold PRICE, General Service Reinforcements

Harold Douglas PRICE, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Harry PRICE, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Harry Reginald PRICE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Hedley Charles PRICE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Henry Albert Franklin PRICE, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Herbert Bertram PRICE, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Jack Cedric PRICE, 4th Light Horse Signal Troop

John Farren PRICE, 11th Light Horse Regiment

John Joseph PRICE, 7th Light Horse Regiment

John Leslie PRICE, 1st Light Horse Regiment

John William PRICE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Leslie Clifton PRICE, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Lewis David PRICE, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance

Roland Valentine PRICE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Stanley Raymond PRICE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance

Thomas PRICE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance

Thomas Charles PRICE, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Thomas Dunkley PRICE, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Thomas Malcolm PRICE, 4th Light Horse Signal Troop

Trevor Ferguson PRICE, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Vernon Gerald PRICE, 6th Light Horse Regiment

William Henry PRICE, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Charles McDonald PRICHARD, 8th Light Horse Regiment

James Henry PRICTOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Eustace Randolph PRIDDLE, 5th Light Horse Regiment

John James PRIDDLE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Laurie Ernest Adam PRIDDLE, 5th Light Horse Regiment

James Allan PRIDE, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Fulke Knatchbull PRIDEAUX-BRUNE, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Charles Edward PRIEST, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Charles Edward PRIEST, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Frederick George PRIEST, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Harold John PRIEST, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Joseph PRIEST, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Reginald PRIEST, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Thomas Henry PRIEST, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Henry Archie PRIESTLEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Philip Henry PRIESTLEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Arthur PRIESTLY, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Philip Edward PRIME, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Bert PRIMM, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

George Samuel PRIMMER, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance

Edwin Gerald Tremayne PRIMROSE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

James William PRINCE, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Milo Arthur PRINCE, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Stanley Palmer Lloyd PRINCE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

John Ernest PRINGLE, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Thomas Lynch PRINGLE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Vivian James PRINGLE, 5th Light Horse Regiment

William Beryman PRINGLE, General Service Reinforcements

Andrew James PRIOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Clarence Wilfred Frederick PRIOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment

George PRIOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment

John Percy PRIOR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Thomas PRIOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Thomas Edward PRIOR, 4th Light Horse Signal Troop


Previous: PHI to POO

Next:  PRI to PYN


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: POO to PRI

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 3 April 2010 1:13 PM EADT
23rd Australian (Barossa) Light Horse, 1917
Topic: Militia - LHS - 17/23/18

23rd ALH

23rd Australian (Barossa) Light Horse


Adelaide Cavalry Squadron [1841 - 1844]
Adelaide Mounted Rifles [1844 - 1899]

South Australian Mounted Rifles, 1899-1903
17th Australian (South Australian Mounted Rifles) Light Horse Regiment, 1903-1912
23rd (Barossa) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1912-1919
18th Adelaide Lancers, 1919-1935
18th Light Horse Machine Gun Regiment (Adelaide Lancers), 1935-1942
18th Motor Regiment (Adelaide Lancers), 1942-1943

Equis Armis Virtute - By Horses, arms and Virtue

 South Africa 1899 - 1902

Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment).




Central South Australia


2nd Division


8th Brigade



Honorary Colonel

The Right Honorable Algernon Hawkins Thogond Keith-Falconer Earl of Kintore, PC, GCMG.
Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Hancock,  5 October 1908, Tenure of Command from 1 July 1912 to 30 June 1917.

Second in Command

Major Bentley Sievewright Connor, 17 June 1912.


Lieutenant Horace George Viney, Army and Instructional Staff, 1 March 1912, Absent on AIF Service.
Honorary Lieutenant William James Read, Army and Instructional Staff, 6 February 1917.


Captain Diedrich Heinrich Schmidt, Honorary Major, 18 June 1904.

Medical Officer

Captain Charles Ernest Cameron Wilson, 1 December 1913.

Veterinary Officer

Captain Frederick Murray-Jones, 19 December 1913, Absent on AIF Service.

Supernumerary Officers

Lieutenant Alfred Augustus Scarfe, [Temporary Orderly Officer, 8th Light Horse Brigade], 1 June 1915.

Lieutenant William Percival Allen Lapthorne, Absent on AIF Service, 1 July 1915.


Area Officers 

Major David Fulton, 1 August 1913, Absent on AIF Service.

Major William John Reid Hutchinson, 1 October 1914, Absent on AIF Service.

Captain Dashwood Charles Connor, 1 May 1915.

Lieutenant Harold Edward Rowell, Absent on AIF Service, 16 June 1915.

Machine Gun Section

Lieutenant Walter Andrew Read, 1 July 1915.


"A" Squadron, Adelaide - Kilkenny - Magill

Lieutenant Roland Ellis Jacobs, 16 April 1913.

Lieutenant Clive Bleechmore, 16 February 1914, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Reginald Valentine Reid, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Alan Ernest Dean, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Ross Wilkinson, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Roy Stirling Fotheringham, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant John Patrick Spence Morice, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant Sydney Hamilton Ayliffe, Boer War Veteran, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Frederic Theodore Bruce, Temporary Captain, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant Keith Rogers Scarfe, 16 August 1915.

Lieutenant Keith Wilkinson, 16 August 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant William Sydney Dean, 15 August 1916.

Lieutenant Reginald Frederick Jacobs, 1 June 1916.

"B" Squadron, Tea Tree Gully - Salisbury - Gawler - Two Wells - Mallala

Captain Francis Charles Siekmann, Boer War Veteran, 12 October 1908.

Captain Thomas Anglesey Siekmann, 23 December 1912, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Edward Theodore Pascoe, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant William Charles Kelly, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Alexander John Cowan, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant Herbert Russell Oborn, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Hermann Carl Ey, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Alan Koeppen Wendt, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.    

Lieutenant Ernest Marshall Luxmoore, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Edward Laurence Angove, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Harry Formby Moore, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.    

Lieutenant George Harvey Nunn, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Sydney Arthur Hunn, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Percy Archibald Bell, 16 August 1915.

Lieutenant Charles Angas Wilcox, 16 August 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Nathaniel Powell Campbell, 1 January 1916.

Lieutenant William James Whitty, 1 June 1916.

Lieutenant Thomas Clarke Callow, 28 August 1916.

Lieutenant William Allan Phillis, 15 September 1916.

"C" Squadron, Burra - Hamley Bridge - Riverton - Kapunda

Lieutenant Lancelot Ashley Lewis, 1 October 1914, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Edmund Ross James, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Oswald Hatchard Castine, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant John Cave Killicoat, Boer War Veteran, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant Harold James Copley, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Frank Phillips, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant James Brown Wilson, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant Malcolm Stevenson, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF Service.

Lieutenant Walter Finch, 16 April 1916.

Lieutenant Guy McGeorge Harris, 16 April 1916.



Previous: 23rd Australian (Barossa) Light Horse, 1916

Next:  23rd Australian (Barossa) Light Horse, 1918



Further Reading:

17th/23rd/18th Australian Light Horse

Militia Light Horse, South Australia

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: 23rd Australian (Barossa) Light Horse, 1917

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 4 June 2010 5:05 PM EADT
22nd Australian (South Australian Mounted Rifles) Light Horse, 1917
Topic: Militia - LHS - 16/22/3

22nd A (SAMR) LH

22nd Australian (South Australian Mounted Rifles) Light Horse Regiment


Adelaide Cavalry Squadron [1841 - 1844]
Adelaide Mounted Rifles [1844 - 1899]
South Australian Mounted Rifles [1899 - 1903]
16th Australian Light Horse Regiment [1903 - 1912]
22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment [1912 - 1919]
3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment [1919 - 1942]
3rd Reconnaissance Company [1942 - 1952]
3rd/9th South Australian Mounted Rifles [1919 - 1943]
3rd/9th South Australian Mounted Rifles [1952 - ]

Equis Armis Virtute - By Horses, arms and Virtue

 South Africa 1899 - 1902

Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment).




Southern South Australia


2nd Division


8th Brigade
Honorary Colonel
The Right Honorable Algernon Hawkins Thogond Keith-Falconer Earl of Kintore, PC, GCMG.
Commanding Officer 
Captain William Herbert Edmunds, VD, Boer War Veteran, 28 August 1911, Temporary Commanding Officer.
Major Charles Philip Butler, 1 November 1915, Absent on AIF duties.

Honorary Lieutenant William James Read, Army and Instructional Staff, 6 February 1917.
Honorary Lieutenant Thomas Robert Richards, 18 March 1912.
Medical Officer
Captain Alexander MacMillan, 1 October 1905.
Veterinary Officer
Captain Charles Arthur Loxton, 18 April 1910.


Lieutenant Arthur Francis Lindsay Harper, 1 July 1915, on A & I Staff secondment.

Area Officers

Captain Thomas George Heming, Boer War Veteran, 1 November 1910, Absent on AIF duties.

Lieutenant Park Alexander McEdward Laurie, 13 August 1908, Absent on AIF duties.

Lieutenant George King, 1 July 1912.
Machine Gun Section

Lieutenant John Gregory Prior, 15 January 1912, Absent on AIF duties.

Lieutenant Frank Lindsay Gordon Smith, 1 August 1916.
"A" Squadron, Reynella - McLaren Vale - Brighton - Glenelg - Mitcham - Unley.
Captain Harry Meshach Parsons, 1 February 1914, Absent on AIF duties.

Lieutenant John Theodore Bigg, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF duties.

Lieutenant Francis George Gibson, 1 August 1915.
"B" Squadron, Narracoorte - Kingston - Victor Harbor - Bordertown - Penola.
Lieutenant Herbert Robert Hawthorn Mattinson, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant Frederick John Kidman, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant Charles Frederick Barnett, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF duties.

Lieutenant Goerge Arthur Depledge, 1 July 1915, Absent on AIF duties.

Lieutenant Herbert Leicester Smith, 1 August 1915.

Lieutenant William Henry Thomas, 1 August 1915.

Lieutenant Edwin Wyatt Warren, 16 August 1915.
"C" Squadron, Mount Gambier - Millicent.
Captain Francis Michael White, 28 August 1914, Absent on AIF duties.

Lieutenant William Staniland Hobart, 6 February 1904.

Lieutenant William August Henry Nitschke, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant Henry Love Kelynack Bartlett, 1 July 1915.

Lieutenant John Davey Fyfe Harbison, 28 August 1916.

Previous: 22nd Australian (South Australian Mounted Rifles) Light Horse, 1916

Next: 22nd Australian (South Australian Mounted Rifles) Light Horse, 1918



Further Reading:

16th/22nd/3rd Australian (South Australian Mounted Rifles) Light Horse

Militia Light Horse, South Australia

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: 22nd Australian (South Australian Mounted Rifles) Light Horse, 1917

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 6 June 2010 7:27 PM EADT
Monday, 31 May 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: PRI to PYN
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: PRI to PYN


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: PRI to PYN


Alfred James PRISK, 1st Light Horse Regiment

David PRISK, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Harold Tennyson PRISK, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Oliver Henry PRISK, 9th Light Horse Regiment

William James PRISK, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Alfred Garfield PRITCHARD, General Service Reinforcements

Allan PRITCHARD, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Charles Favin PRITCHARD, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance

Edward PRITCHARD, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron

Frederick Joseph PRITCHARD, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Griffith PRITCHARD, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Leonard William PRITCHARD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Noel Phillips PRITCHARD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Thomas PRITCHARD, 5th Light Horse Regiment

William PRITCHARD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

James Robert PROBERT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Albert Walker PROCOPIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment

Harry Hassell PROCTER, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Alexander PROCTOR, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Alfred Errol PROCTOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Arthur Edward Claude PROCTOR, General Service Reinforcements

Basil Ernest PROCTOR, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Bertie Gordon PROCTOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Cecil Thomas PROCTOR, General Service Reinforcements

Frank PROCTOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Frank Macquarie Hume PROCTOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment

James Renwick PROCTOR, 6th Light Horse Regiment

John Thomas PROCTOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Keith Storley PROCTOR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Mervyn John PROCTOR, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Norman James PROCTOR, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Samuel John PROCTOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Wilfred George Albert PROCTOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Fred William PROLINSY, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron

James PROPHET, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Leslie Frederick PROSSER, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Septimus Ernest PROSSER, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Graham John PROTHEROE, 7th Light Horse Regiment

James George PROUDFOOT, 4th Light Horse Regiment

David Henry PROUDMAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Arthur PROUT, 7th Light Horse Regiment

John PROUT, 12th Light Horse Regiment

William Cornelius PROVIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Frederick Philpott PROWSE, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance

Peter PRUNTY, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Laurence Ernest PRYKE, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Alfred Webb PRYOR, General Service Reinforcements

Arundel Rignold Ernest PRYOR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Elias Saywell PRYOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Herbert Ernest PRYOR, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Leslie Alfred PRYOR, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Leslie George PRYOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Lindsay George PRYOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Raymond Foster PRYOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Raymond Robert PRYOR, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Ronald Reeves PRYOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Thomas Harold PRYOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Martin Edward PRZIBILLA, 11th Light Horse Regiment

George Herbert PUCKETT, 1st Light Horse Regiment

George Thomas PUCKETT, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Charles William PUDNEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Clifton Harold PUDNEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Walter Edward PUFFLETT, 8th Light Horse Regiment

George Frederick William PUGH, 13th Light Horse Regiment

John PUGH, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Robert PUGH, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Robert PUGH, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Edward Theodore PULBROOK, 7th Light Horse Regiment

William James PULFORD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Charles Bertram PULLAR, 13th Light Horse Regiment

James Bryant PULLEINE, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Arthur PULLEN, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Arthur Bean PULLEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Frank Ernest Gordon PULLEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment

James PULLEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Robert PULLEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Walter PULLEN, 7th Light Horse Regiment

George William Lyle PULLIN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Joseph James Raphael PUNCH, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Harry PUNSHON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

William PUNTER, 1st Light Horse Regiment

George Frederick PUNTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Abraham PURCELL, 1st Light Horse Brigade

George Albert PURCELL, General Service Reinforcements

Gerald Joseph PURCELL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade

Henry Francis PURCELL, 7th Light Horse Regiment

James Joseph PURCELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment

John William PURCELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Leslie Gordon PURCELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Patrick PURCELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Thomas Francis PURCELL, General Service Reinforcements

Tobias Patrick PURCELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment

William PURCELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Nicholas PURCELL aka Nicholas COMEFORD, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Geoffrey Richard PURCELL-GILPIN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

George Victor PURCHASE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Allan Douglas PURDIE, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Robert Edgar PURDIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment

Cecil Roy PURKIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment

Bertie Daryll PURKISS, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Harry PURKISS, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Percy John Lyndon PURKISS, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Harold PURNELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Henry William PURNELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment

John Francis PURTELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment

John Francis PURTELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Godfrey Liddle PURVES, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Harold Victor Howe PURVES, 6th Light Horse Regiment

Robert Leslie PURVES, 9th Light Horse Regiment

William PURVES, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

William Winter Home PURVES, 12th Light Horse Regiment

George William PURVIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Hilton Henry PURVIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment

Julian Amourous PURVIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Victor Gordon PURVIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment

William George PURVIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment

William Thomas PURVIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment

John Hebden PYBUS, 12th Light Horse Regiment

John Hebden PYBUS, 7th Light Horse Regiment

John PYE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron

Norman PYE, 12th Light Horse Regiment

Robert Samuel PYE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment

Goodman Joel PYKE, 1st Light Horse Regiment

Albert Henry PYMER, 13th Light Horse Regiment

John Lindsay Lawless PYNE, 5th Light Horse Regiment

Edgar Sylvanus PYNEGAR, 5th Light Horse Regiment

William PYNN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment


Previous: POO to PRI

Next:  QUA to QUO


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: PRI to PYN

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 3 April 2010 1:15 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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