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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Saturday, 26 June 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: LEF to LIN
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: LEF to LIN


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


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Embarkation Roll: LEF to LIN


Ernest Henry LeFROY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Lawrence LeGASSICK, General Service Reinforcements.

Harry James LEGG, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Louis Thomas LEGG, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George James Frederick LEGGATT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Carrington LEGGATT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Carrington LEGGATT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles William LEGGE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

David Leslie LEGGE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

David Leslie LEGGE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald LEGGE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Curtis LEGGE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Gwennap LEGGE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Gwennap LEGGE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Robert LEGGETT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Herbert LEGGETT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Mark LEGGETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter James LEGGETT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Charles LEGGO, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Thomas LEGH, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Eugene LeGRANDE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Herrick LEHANE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Percival Albert LEHMAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Oliver LEHMANN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Henry LEHMANN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie LEIBHARDT, General Service Reinforcements.

Hardman Lewis LEICESTER, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Reginald Angus Holdice LEICESTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred LEICHNEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry LEICHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick John LEIGH, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alvin LEIGH-SEWELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Osmond John LEIGHTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert LEIPER, General Service Reinforcements.

John Francis LEISH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Arthur LEISHMAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Norman LEISHMAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Hunter LEISHMAN, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Robert LEISHMAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas LEISHMAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest LeJEUNE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Kenneth LeLIEVRE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Charles LEMASS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Angelo LEMBO, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Hubert Granville De Havilland LeMESURIER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Owen Alfred LEMON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Edward Dillon LEMON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Charles LEMON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey Dillon LEMON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry LEMON, General Service Reinforcements.

James LEMON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John LEMON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Stutley LEMPRIERE, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.

Nicholas LENAGHAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Clifford Lawrence LENARD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward George LENBOURG, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Joseph LENEHAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Malachi LENIHAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael LENIHAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Augustus LENNARD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Donald LENNARD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald LENNARD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Joseph LENNE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Lorenzo LENNI, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Albert LENNON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh LENNON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Patrick LENNON, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Percy LENNON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William LENNON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander LENNOX, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Bert LENNOX, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh George LENON, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley LENORD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack LENTHALL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Gordon LEONARD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Henry LEONARD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles James LEONARD, General Service Reinforcements.

Ernest Vere LEONARD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Joseph LEONARD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Archie LEONARD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Bunbury Coote LEONARD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Gerald James Fitzherbert LEONARD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John LEONARD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Thomas LEONARD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph LEONARD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Frederick LEONARD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Leo Thomas LEONARD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Joseph LEONARD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas LEONARD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor Archibald LEONARD, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas LEONARD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur LEPLEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Leslie LEPPARD aka Leslie SHEPPARD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Frank LePRASTRIER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Bub LeROY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry LESLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander LESLIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Edward LESLIE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Henry LESLIE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Clifton LESLIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry James LESLIE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John LESLIE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Fitzmaurice LESLIE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Robert LESLIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Archie Carlyle LESTER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Bruce Goldie LESTER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Hubert Walter LESTER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry LESTER, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.

Frank L'ESTRANGE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank L'ESTRANGE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Vernon L'ESTRANGE, General Service Reinforcements.

William L'ESTRANGE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William L'ESTRANGE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack (John) LESWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Alexander LETCH, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.

Thomas Alfred Edward LETCH, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Robert Conrice LETHBRIDGE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard LETHLEAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert William LETT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Doran LETTE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Doran LETTE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George LETTS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George LETTS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Charles Algy LEVER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Percival LEVER, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Herbert Ernest LEVER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Edward LEVER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William LEVER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Urban Rowland LEVERMAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Pitt Ward LEVICK, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Harry Burnel LEVIEN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Benjamin LEVIEN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Henry LEVIEN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Rex Victor LEVIN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Terison LEVINGE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred LEVINGSTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Bernard LEVINS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John LEVITT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John George LEVITT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank LEVY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Lewis Lyons LEVY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Maurice LEVY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Michael LEVY, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

George LEWIN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Grosvenor Burnett LEWIN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Osborne Victor LEWIN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Howard LEWINGTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Charles LEWIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Albert Frederick LEWIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alec Francis LEWIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred George LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred George LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arnold Gordon LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur LEWIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Lloyd LEWIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Augustus Hubert Neville LEWIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Frederick LEWIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Charles Thomas LEWIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Clarence Dudley LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Clive William LEWIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Henry LEWIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Paul LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Alexander LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Albert LEWIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Edwin Thomas LEWIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric St Leger LEWIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Alfred LEWIS, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Ernest George LEWIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Thomas LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Eugene LEWIS, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Frank Griffiths LEWIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick James LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Albion LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

George Norman LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Gerald John LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Gerald John LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Glenelg LEWIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry LEWIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Henry Francis LEWIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Mansfield LEWIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert LEWIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert John LEWIS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Frederick LEWIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh LEWIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Hurtle John LEWIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James LEWIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

James Marquis LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John LEWIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Barbar LEWIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Horner LEWIS, General Service Reinforcements.

John Percival LEWIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John William LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Lancelot Ashley LEWIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Cecil LEWIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Murray Winter LEWIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Pearce Thornton LEWIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy LEWIS, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Reginald Channon LEWIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Reginald Percy LEWIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Franklin LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Henry LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Henry LEWIS, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Roy LEWIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Rupert Percy LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Charles LEWIS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Sidney Michael LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas LEWIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Albert LEWIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Alfred Radcliffe LEWIS, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Thomas Arthur LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter James LEWIS, General Service Reinforcements.

William Albert LEWIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Ewart LEWIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Leslie LEWIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William Oliver LEWIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Richard LEWIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry LEWRY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred LEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Charles LIARDET, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Phillip Leslie LIDBETTER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Charles Thomas LIDDELL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred LIDDELOW, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Beverley John LIDDELOW, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Joyce LIDDELOW, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Lenington LIDDELOW, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas Leslie LIDDELOW, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Frederick LIDDELOW, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas LIDDLE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Thomas Joseph LIDDY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Francis LIDDY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Peter Martin LIDGATE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Reginald John LIDSTER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Otto Lawrence LIEBELT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Harold LIEBRAND, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James Alfred LIEBS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James Alexander LIETCH, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.

Charles Randolph LIGGINS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold John LIGHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Victor LIGHT, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Roy LIGHT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Thomas LIGHTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter LILLEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Harold LILLY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Carl Lindsay LILLYMAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Joseph LILLYMAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold LILLYWHITE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John LIN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederic John LINACRE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Andrew LINAHAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Bert Clive LINCOLN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Gordon LINCOLN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Thomas LINDBECK, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Karl Arvid Henrick LINDBERG, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Carl Oscar LINDELL , 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Holden LINDEMAN, General Service Reinforcements.

Roy Wickham LINDEMAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

James William LINDEN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie LINDLEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George Gilmour LINDNER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert LINDOP, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Archer LINDQUIST, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

William Herbert Gerald LINDRIDGE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander LINDSAY, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Arthur LINDSAY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Bertie LINDSAY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

David Gardyne Stuart LINDSAY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George Angus LINDSAY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

James Bruce LINDSAY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John LINDSAY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph LINDSAY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Percy LINDSAY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Herbert LINDSAY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard LINDSAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert LINDSAY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Clement Ramsay LINDSAY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Samuel Sydney LINDSAY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Sidney Wilson LINDSAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Francis LINDSAY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Walter LINDSAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Alexander LINDSAY, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Charles Archibald LINDSELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick William LINDSELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Selby Ord LINEDALE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Jack LINEDALE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John LINEHAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Timothy Michael LINEHAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred John LINES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

David Thomas LINES, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Harold Melbourne LINES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Arthur LINES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry LINES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William James LINFORD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Bert LINFORTH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter LINFORTH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: LAT to LEF

Next:  LIN to LOV


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: LEF to LIN

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 2 April 2010 4:45 PM EADT
Friday, 25 June 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: LIN to LOV
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: LIN to LOV


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: LIN to LOV


Alfred Victor Emanuel LING, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Arthur LINGARD, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

James LINGWOODOCK, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor LINKLATER, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

William LINKLATER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph Francis LINNAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Price LINNAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Austin LINNANE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter John LINNANE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James Edward LINNEGAR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Murty William LINNEGAR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Patrick Charles LINNEGAR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Harry Morris Christie LINSELL, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

John Henry LINTO, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas LINTO, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Churchill LINTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Churchill LINTON, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Donald Manson LINTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John William LINTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Phillip Geoffrey LINTON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Newton LINTOTT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Raymond Moss LIPMAN, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Thomas Robert LIPP, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur LIPPIATT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Stewart LIPSCOMB, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Stewart LIPSCOMB, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Neville Henry LIPSCOMB, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

William Henry LIPSCOMBE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry LIPSCOMBE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Eric John Simon LIPSTINE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Ernest LISLE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert LISLE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Colville James LISTER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

David LISTER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Herbert LISTER, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

James Lugadin LISTER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Charles LISTER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry LISTER, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Arthur Donald LISTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Wallace LISTON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest LITCHFIELD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest LITCHFIELD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Raymond LITCHFIELD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Reginal James LITCHFIELD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Bright LITCHFIELD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter LITCHFIELD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William John LITHERLAND, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander LITHGOW, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas LITSTER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Herbert LITTLE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Harold LITTLE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles William Henry LITTLE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

David Gibson LITTLE, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

George LITTLE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harold George Clarence LITTLE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry LITTLE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Robert LITTLE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Joseph LITTLE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Justin F. LITTLE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie John LITTLE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Nevill Montague LITTLE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Charles LITTLE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Dalrymple LITTLE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert James LITTLE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Rowland Alfred LITTLE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Rupert William LITTLE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William LITTLE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur LITTLE, General Service Reinforcements.

Wilson LITTLE, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Cyril Gordon LITTLEJOHN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Eric LITTLER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Richard Joseph LITTLER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Wilson Fitzroy LITTLER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Reuben LITTLEWOOD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Thomas LIVELY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Stephen LIVERMORE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Claude LIVESAY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Bathurst LIVET, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor August LIVET, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Leigh LIVINGSTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry LIVINGSTONE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry W.R. LIVINGSTONE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

David LIVINGSTONE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

David Charles LIVINGSTONE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Donald LIVINGSTONE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence Robert Glenelg LIVOCK, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred LLEWELLYN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Jatho LLEWELLYN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Harold LLEWELLYN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles LLOWARCH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander LLOYD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald LLOYD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Edward LLOYD, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Brisbane Herbert LLOYD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

David LLOYD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Leonard LLOYD, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Charles Waldegate LLOYD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Garfield LLOYD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry LLOYD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Brisbane LLOYD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James LLOYD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Robertson LLOYD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph LLOYD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Albert LLOYD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Llewellyn LLOYD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Allan LLOYD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick LLOYD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy LLOYD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert LLOYD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas LLOYD, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Revett LLOYD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William LLOYD, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Horace LLOYD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Vernon LLOYD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George LLOYDE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Angus Gordon LOADER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Cyril LOADER, General Service Reinforcements.

William LOADER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William LOADER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William John LOBB, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald LOBBAN, Light Horse Reinforcements.

William Edward LOBIE, General Service Reinforcements.

Roy LOBSEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Walter LOCHRIN, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Albert Sydney LOCK, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Lindsay LOCK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

James LOCK, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas Frank LOCK, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Melbourne LOCKE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Harcanute Herbert LOCKE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry James LOCKE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Henry William LOCKE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James Leonard LOCKE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph LOCKE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Allan LOCKE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Hunter LOCKE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Rodney Charles LOCKE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas LOCKE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Samuel LOCKE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Roy Maxwell LOCKETT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Herbert LOCKETT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John William LOCKEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank LOCKHART, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Edward Clarence John LOCKHART, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Athol LOCKLEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Robert William LOCKMAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin Arthur LOCKWOOD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Halford John LOCKWOOD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Howard Leslie LOCKWOOD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Warren Edward LOCKWOOD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Malcolm Brooks LOCKYER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Frank LOCKYER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick LOCKYER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George LOCKYER, General Service Reinforcements.

Horace Joseph Brooks LOCKYER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Robert LODDING, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.

James LODDING, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric LODGE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Rosslyn Clyde LODGE, General Service Reinforcements.

Harold Henry LOFT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Arthur LOFTHOUSE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

William James LOFTUS, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Alfred John LOGAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Sehan LOGAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Graham LOGAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John LOGAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Josey Matthew LOGAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Michael LOGAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley LOGAN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thistle Sydney LOGAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James LOGAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Whitmore Charles LOGAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Whitmore Charles LOGAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Alexander LOGAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman William LOGIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Mouritz LOGIN, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur Major LOGUE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert William LOGUE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Andrew LOMAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George LOMAX, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George LOMAX, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Grimslaw LOMAX, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Keith Edward LOMBE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles LONARD, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Edmund Neville LONDON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George Leopold LONDON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Darcy LONDON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edward James LONERGAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

James Henry LONERGAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John LONERGAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Terence LONERGAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas LONERGAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Eugene LONEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Roy Michael LONG, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin Marshman Jnr LONG, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Bert William LONG, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Carlyle Alexander LONG, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles LONG, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Daniel Rutter LONG, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Edward Richard LONG, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Adair LONG, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Frederick Charles LONG, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Frederick Edmund LONG, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold LONG, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Harold Edward LONG, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold George LONG, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Horace Samuel LONG, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James Charles LONG, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Jeremiah Ernest LONG, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John LONG, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John James LONG, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard G. LONG, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Harold LONG, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Lindon Cecil Vere LONG, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Norman Joseph LONG, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Raymond Spurgeon LONG, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Adair LONG, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James LONG, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter LONG, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William LONG, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William Frederick LONG, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William John LONG, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Morris LONG, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Witham John LONG, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Lawrence LONGBOTTOM, General Service Reinforcements.

James LONGFORD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Oswald John LONGHURST, General Service Reinforcements.

Edward James LONGLAND, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William LONGLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin LONGMIRE, General Service Reinforcements.

Reginald Claude LONGMIRE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ivan Slack LONGMORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy John LONGMORE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas LONGMORE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William LONGSDALE-HUGHES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Victor Joseph LONGTON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

William Matthew LONGWILL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Robert LONGWORTH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred LONGWORTH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred LONGWORTH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Benjamin LONGWORTH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Lachlan Francis LONGWORTH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William LONGWORTH, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Arthur LONSDALE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Everard Claude LONSDALE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Wyndham Rodney LONSDALE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry LOOK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Clyde LOOKE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Leslie Albert LOOKER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Robert LOOKER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold John William LOOMES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Howard James Miller LOOMES, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Woodlands LOOMES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Ray Edward Thomas LOOMES, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Ernest LOOSE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas LOOSEMORE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Arthur LORAM, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert John Francis Miller LORD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred John Stone LORD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Charles LORD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Ernest Constable LORD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ashley Codrington LORD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Clyde LORD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Rowley LORD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Claude LORD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Francis LORD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Joseph LORD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank LORD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon LORD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold LORD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Ernest LORD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John LORD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Stone William LORD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Norbert LORD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Sylvester LORD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Bernard LORD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Loftus Cyril Harry LORDING, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick William LORIMER, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Wallace Hepburn LORIMER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude William LORRAINE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard George William LOTT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Burnley LOTTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew Anderson LOUDEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert James LOUDON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William LOUDON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William George LOUGH, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward LOUGHMAN, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Joseph LOUGHMAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Harry Ranford Errick LOUGHNAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Stephen Edward LOUGHNAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter William LOUGHNAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Cahill LOUGHRAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

James Vincent LOUGHRY, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Frederick LOUND, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Victor LOUTTIT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Joseph LOVE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Joseph LOVE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Alexander LOVE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Gilbert Arthur LOVE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Guylford Wilton LOVE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Humphrey LOVE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James LOVE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Robert Beattie LOVE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Connell LOVE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Stewart LOVE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William LOVE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: LEF to LIN

Next:  LOV to LYT


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: LIN to LOV

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 2 April 2010 4:43 PM EADT
Thursday, 24 June 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: LOV to LYT
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: LOV to LYT


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: LOV to LYT


Lionel William LOVEBAND, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry LOVEDAY, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Thomas Leonard LOVEGROVE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Wilfred Dudley LOVEGROVE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Wilfred George LOVEJOY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry Frank LOVELESS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Bruce Hilton LOVELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Clyde LOVELL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis LOVELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon LOVELL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Gregory LOVELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Gregory LOVELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Roy LOVELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Roy LOVELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Henry LOVELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas William LOVELL, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

William Robert LOVELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest edward LOVELL-SHORE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Royce LOVELOCK, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Hubert George Lionel LOVELOCK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Augustus LOVER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Garnet Sadler LOVERIDGE, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.

Alfred Amos LOVETT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur John LOVETT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Joseph LOVETT, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Edward McDonald LOVETT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Amos LOVETT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Beresford LOVETT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William LOVETT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Taunton LOVIBOND, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry John LOVICK, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Edmund LOVICK, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Alexander LOW, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank LOW, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Frederick LOW, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Keith McKay Sutherland LOW, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Carey LOW, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Gordon LOW, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Arundel LOW, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

St Clair LOW, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William LOW, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick LOWATER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Albert Robert LOWE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander LOWE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Albert Kelly LOWE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence Albert LOWE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Wallace Gadeer LOWE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward George LOWE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Edward LOWE, General Service Reinforcements.

Eric Victor LOWE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Charles LOWE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George LOWE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Dudley Gaden LOWE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Mervyn LOWE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Edward LOWE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry LOWE, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

John William LOWE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy LOWE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Raynor Stewart LOWE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Wilson LOWE, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas LOWE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William LOWE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William James Hamilton LOWE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Desmond Arnold LOWERY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney LOWERY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Noel Irvine LOWES, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Edward George Thomas LOWICK, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Alfred LOWICK, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Hodgson LOWIN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Bertie LOWING, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles LOWN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles LOWN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph David LOWN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Whitaker LOWNDES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Charles LOWREY, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Arthur LOWRIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Allan LOWRY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Robert Matteson LOWRY, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas Frank LOWRY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Fletcher LOWTHEN, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Charles LOWTHER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Burton LOWTHER, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Leonard Arthur LOXLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Stephen LOXTON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy George LOXTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Edwin LOXTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

James LOYNES, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Carl Friederich LUBCKE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Augustus LUBOMIRSKI, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Chambers LUCAS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Sydney LUCAS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Flinders LUCAS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward LUCAS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Garnet LUCAS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Joseph LUCAS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Douglas LUCAS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Grantworth LUCAS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Alfred LUCAS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Allen LUCAS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Minnett LUCAS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Russell LUCAS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank William LUCAS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick William LUCAS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry LUCAS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Hubert LUCAS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Harold LUCAS, General Service Reinforcements.

Ira Alexander LUCAS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Ivan LUCAS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James LUCAS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James John LUCAS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Albert LUCAS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Hamilton LUCAS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Lewis John LUCAS, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Milton LUCAS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman LUCAS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Campbell LUCAS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Prime LUCAS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley LUCAS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Edwin LUCAS, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas George LUCAS, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Vivian Hiram LUCAS, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Wilfred LUCAS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William LUCAS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Marcus Michael LUCIEER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor Corneille LUCIEER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Gordon LUCK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Gordon LUCK, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John William LUCK, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Martin Albert LUCK, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Rae LUCKE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas LUCKETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alexander LUCKETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Ernest LUCKETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy John LUCKHURST, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Eugene Sylvester LUCKMAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Eugene LUCKWALD, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Wilford LUDBEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John LUDERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack LUDGATE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Philip Jesse LUDLOW, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Daniel LUDVIGSEN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Albert LUDWIG, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar John LUFF, General Service Reinforcements.

James Frederick LUFF, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James Joseph LUFF, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Jack LUKE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel LUKE, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas Mickie LUKE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William John LUKE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy LUKEY, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Dudley LUKIN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey Harper LUKIN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis William Fellows LUKIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Otto LULHAM, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert LUMBERS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Watler LUMBERS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Charles LUMLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Hampton LUMLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Arthur LUMMIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Nesbitt Henry LUMSDEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert James LUMSDEN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Clapperton LUMSDEN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter Charles LUND, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Karl Johan LUNDELL, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Francis John Philip LUNDIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert William LUNN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James Henry LUNN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William LUNN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Samson Ware LUNNISS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank LURSSEN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick LURSSEN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Hartley Laurence LUSH, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles LUTCH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Donald LUTHER, General Service Reinforcements.

Frank LUTTRELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney LUXFORD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Theo Henry LUXFORD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Marshall LUXMOORE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick George LUXMOORE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Clarence LUXMOORE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry LUXON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank LUXTON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Andrew Fraser LYALL, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur LYALL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Herbert LYALL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James LYALL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

James Kincraig LYALL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John LYALL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William LYALL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William McIntosh LYALL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Athol LYDIARD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Evelyn LYDIARD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Leslie LYE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles LYE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Arthur LYE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George LYELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Edmund Beamont LYNAM, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Kevin LYNAM, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Joseph LYNAM, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Joseph LYNAM, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Andrew LYNAM, General Service Reinforcements.

Cecil LYNCH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence LYNCH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Thomas LYNCH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph LYNCH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard LYNCH, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Mervyn Kenneth LYNCH, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael James LYNCH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael John LYNCH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Owen LYNCH, General Service Reinforcements.

Morton William LYNCH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Percival Matthew LYNCH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Peter John LYNCH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Robert LYNCH, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Victor Rupert LYNCH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William John LYNCH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Arnold Cumming LYNDON, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

John Norwood LYNE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Owen Robert LYNES, General Service Reinforcements.

George Daniel LYNN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Allen LYON, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Charles Hugh LYON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Clive LYON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Charles Gordon LYON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Charles Gordon LYON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard LYON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard George LYON, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Arthur LYONS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Alfred LYONS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Gordon LYONS, General Service Reinforcements.

Frederick LYONS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Herbert Francis Henry LYONS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert William LYONS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John LYONS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John Alexander LYONS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Cromie LYONS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Edward LYONS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Martin LYONS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Leon Maurice LYONS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Louis LYONS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Mark LYONS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Clarence LYONS, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Roy LYONS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Victor LYONS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William LYONS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles LYONS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Michael LYONS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Stanley LYSAGHT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William John LYSAGHT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Leslie Patrick LYSAUGHT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William George LYSTER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur John LYTTLE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Edward LYTTON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.


Previous: LIN to LOV

Next:  MAB to MAG


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: LOV to LYT

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 2 April 2010 4:42 PM EADT
Wednesday, 23 June 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: MAB to MAG
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: MAB to MAG


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: MAB to MAG


Alexander Harrison MABBUTT, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

John MABEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Frank MacALLISTER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Horace Graham MacALPINE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Paterson MacANSH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Donald MacANSH , 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Stirling MacANSH , 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Lorne Campbell MacARTHUR , 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George Macleay MacARTHUR - ONSLOW, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George William MacARTNEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George William MacARTNEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Eric Joseph MacARTNEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Leslie MacARTNEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

James Moore MacARTNEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander MacAULAY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Allan Dudley Linden MacAULAY, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

William MacAULAY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

WIlliam Alexander MacAULAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick James MacAULEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert James MacAULEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Roland John MacAULEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Hardy MacAULEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Colin Hendric MacBEAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald William MacCALLUM, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Hicks MacCARLIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Emmet MacCARTHY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Harold MacCARTHY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Rowley MacCUE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ian Hamilton Baird MacCULLOCH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Major Baird MacCULLOCH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Malcolm Robert Baird MacCULLOCH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alderford William French MacDERMOTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alderford William French MACDERMOTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Booth MacDONALD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander William MacDONALD, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Andrew MacDONALD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Angus Bernard MacDONALD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Kirby MacDONALD, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Archie Robert MacDONALD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Hubert MacDONALD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Hamilton MacDONALD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald McPhee MacDONALD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George Livingstone Macquarie MacDONALD, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George Matheson MacDONALD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Godfrey Samson MacDONALD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry MacDONALD, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh MacDONALD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James MacDONALD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James Marshall MacDONALD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Marshall MacDONALD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John MacDONALD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John MacDONALD, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John MacDONALD, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John MacDONALD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie MacDONALD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Malcolm Keith MacDONALD, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Neil MacDONALD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Peter Stewart MacDONALD, 4th Light Horse Signal Troop.

Roderick MacDONALD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ronald Alexander Leslie MacDONALD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ronald Duncan MacDONALD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy MacDONALD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley MacDONALD, General Service Reinforcements.

Stuart Lothian MacDONALD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Albert Donald MacDONNELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Lucius Gerald Armstrong MacDONNELL, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Owen MacDONNELL, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Valentine Vincent MacDONNELL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Alexander MacDOUGALL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Edgar MacDOUGALL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Malcolm Leslie MacDOUGALL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles John MacFARLANE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Donald David MacFARLANE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George MacFARLANE, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

James Edward MacFARLANE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Lindsay MacFARLANE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Neil Archibald MacFARLANE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Holdsworth MacFARLANE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Kelly MacFARLANE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Stewart Robertson MacFARLANE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Stuart Alexander MacFARLANE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Keddie MacFARLANE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan McCulloch MacFIE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry MacGIBBON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Martyn MacGILLICUDDY, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Thomas John MacGILLICUDDY, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Donald Neil MacGILLIVRAY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John MacGILLIVRAY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Orpen MacGILLYCUDDY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph Shields MacGOWAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Robert MacGREGOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edmund MacGREGOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank MacGREGOR, General Service Reinforcements.

Frederick James MacGREGOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Alexander MacGREGOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas MACHIN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Keith MacINTOSH, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Hector MacINTOSH, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Hay MacINTOSH, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

John Ord MacINTOSH, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Alexander MacINTYRE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Percival Thwaites MACK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Austin McDonnall MACK, General Service Reinforcements.

Ernest Harold MACK, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Murgha MACK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Robert MACK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry MACK, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Dodd MACK, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Rawdon McDougall MACK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Pym MACK, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley MACK, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert John MacKANESS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Brownell MacKAY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edgar MacKAY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Sidney MacKAY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Leslie Gladstone MacKAY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Norman MacKAY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Albert Ernest MacKAY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

David Glen MacKAY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

David Rankin MacKAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Panton MacKAY, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Gordon Stewart MacKAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James Cuthbert MacKAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John MacKAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Brims MacKAY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Edward MacKAY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John William MacKAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth McKenzie MacKAY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert John Sinclair MacKAY, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Sinclair Wemyss MacKAY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Thomas Harrison MacKAY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William MacKAY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Gordon MacKAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Hilke MacKAY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Alexander Douglas MacKELLAR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald MacKELLAR, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Alexander Colquhoun MacKENZIE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Anthony Lampbeth MacKENZIE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Arundel MacKENZIE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Bruce MacKENZIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Bruce MACKENZIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George Fleming MacKENZIE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry MacKENZIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Murchison MacKENZIE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George Roder Dawson MacKENZIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Keith Leslie MacKENZIE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

McAllister Chatfield MacKENZIE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Dundonnell MacKENZIE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Vivian Archie Ross MacKENZIE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Frederick MacKENZIE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Graham MacKENZIE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

William Cuthbert MacKENZIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Thomas MacKERETH, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank MacKEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Timothy Francis MacKEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William MacKEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander James MacKIE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew MacKIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur MacKIE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Francis MacKIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Lincoln Bothwick MacKIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James Watson MacKIE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

John Keith MacKIE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

John Walter MacKIE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Ralph Eric MacKIE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Stanley MacKIE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Stanley James MacKIE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas MacKIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Vivian Yorke MacKIE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter William MacKIE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander MacKINNON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John MacKINNON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Christie MacKINNON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Norman MacKINNON, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Robert Bowes Stanley MacKINNON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Roger Robert Addison MacKINNON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Ernest MacKINTOSH, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Alexander MacKINTOSH, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William MacKLEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Crawford MacKNIGHT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George Stuart MACKRELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

James Stanley MACKRELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James Stanley MACKRELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie James MACKRELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles James Torrance MacLAREN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Duncan Mark MacLAREN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Ira MacLAREN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Andrew MACLAURIN aka Arthur Daniel SHANAHAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Adam Park MacLEAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Kenneth MacLEAN, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Eric MacLEAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Ewan Francis MacLEAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Roy MacLEAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John MacLEAN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Norman MacLEAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Malcolm Bruce MacLEAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Mordaunt Roy MacLEAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Arthur MacLEAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Thomas MacLEAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Scott MacLEAN, General Service Reinforcements.

William Montague MacLEAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Logan MacLENNAN, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Robert Heatley MacLENNAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alister Fergus MacLEOD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Lawrence MacLEOD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Vernon MacLEOD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John Abington MacLEOD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Lisle Antrutcher MacLEOD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter MacLEOD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Torquil Bright MacLEOD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Valverde MacLURE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Hassell MacMASTER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan William MacMICKING, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Walter MacMICKING, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander MacMILLAN, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Frederick MacMILLAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Cameron MacMILLAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Cameron MacMILLAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James Archibald MacMILLAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Murray Keynton MacMILLAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Murray Kynton MacMILLAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Scott MacMILLAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Ernest MacMURTRIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon MacNAMARA, General Service Reinforcements.

John Patrick MacNAMARA, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Lionel MacNAMARA, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Francis MacNAMARA, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry MacLachlan MacNEE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John MacNEE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William George MacNEILL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Keith Percy MacNISH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Edward MacPARLAND, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Hamilton MacPHAIL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Fraser MacPHERSEN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Bruce MacPHERSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry MacPHERSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh MacPHERSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh MACPHERSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Douglas MacPHERSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James Riddle MacPHERSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Lachlan Alfred William MacPHERSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Lindsay John Robert MacPHERSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Saladin MacPHERSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ronald Horace MACPHERSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ronald Horace MACPHERSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Phillip MACUMBER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Otto William MacWATTERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Arthur MacWELLS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Bertie James MacWHIRTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Tate MacWHIRTER, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Robert MADDALENA, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank MADDEFORD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert John MADDEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Anthony MADDEN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence Cecil Aubrey MADDEN, General Service Reinforcements.

George Baker MADDEN, General Service Reinforcements.

James Philip MADDEN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Edward MADDEN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Michael James MADDEN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Phillip Anslem MADDEN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy MADDEN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Patrick MADDEN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William MADDERN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John MADDIGAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald George MADDISON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Hastings Elms MADDISON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Ernest MADDISON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Sidney Alfred MADDISON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William MADDISON, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

George Hamilton Sydney MADDOCK, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Samuel MADDOCK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry MADDOCKS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Neil Scott MADDOX, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Onyx Coghill MADDRELL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John MADELEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

James MADIGAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas George MADIGAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Timothy James MADIGAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward MADIN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter MAGARRY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric William MAGEE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald MAGEE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John Beri MAGENNIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Joseph MAGHER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Joseph MAGHER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Lindsay MAGILL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank William MAGILL, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William John MAGILL, General Service Reinforcements.

Harold Joseph Cyril MAGIN, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

William MAGINNESS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Noel MAGNUS, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Niels MAGNUSSEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Wesley MAGRATH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: LOV to LYT

Next:  MAG to MAR


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: MAB to MAG

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 3 April 2010 10:59 AM EADT
Tuesday, 22 June 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: MAG to MAR
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: MAG to MAR


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: MAG to MAR


Charles John MAGUIRE, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Charles Robert MAGUIRE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Fergus MAGUIRE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John MAGUIRE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Patrick MAGUIRE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie William MAGUIRE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael MAGUIRE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald George MAGUIRE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Michael MAGUIRE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Mceilroy MAGUIRE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William McElroy MAGUIRE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Edward MAHER, General Service Reinforcements.

Bernard MAHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Stewart MAHER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank MAHER, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick James MAHER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Patrick MAHER, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

James Alphonsus MAHER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Hugh MAHER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Thomas MAHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Francis MAHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Martin William MAHER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Joseph MAHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Patrick MAHER, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

William David MAHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Dolf MAHLSTEAD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Bernard MAHONEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Clement MAHONEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Daniel MAHONEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Dennis MAHONEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Eugene MAHONEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Edward MAHONEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert MAHONEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James Alexander MAHONEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Dennis MAHONEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert MAHONEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas MAHONEY, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Christopher Patrick MAHONY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Morgan Dunstan MAHONY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Leslie MAIDMENT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur William MAIDMENT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Fernley Reith MAIDMENT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Osmond MAIDMENT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry James MAIDMENT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Percival Thomas MAIDMENT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

August Frederick William MAIER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred William MAILE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Vincent MAILE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley MAIN, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

William MAIN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Oliver Lawrence MAINWARING, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Wentworth Rowland Cavanagh MAINWARING, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Newell MAIR, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Thomas Alfred MAISHMAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Tennyson MAITLAND, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Lumsden MAITLAND, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Lovell MAJOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Ephraim MAJOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Henry MAKEHAM, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel MAKEHAM, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Cleveland MAKEIG, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur MAKEPEACE, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Herbert James MAKIN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas MAKIN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack MALACARI, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles MALCOLM, Cable Signal Section.

Harry MALCOLM, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John William MALCOLM, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Lionel Frederick MALCOLM, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Lionel Frederick MALCOLM, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Maxwell MALCOLM, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Stuart Boyd MALCOLM, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles MALCOLM, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles MALCOLM, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

James MALCOLM aka John Malcolm LEDLIE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Charles MALE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward George MALE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Fred Stanley MALE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Charles MALEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick William MALEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George Morrison MALEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Septimus Frank MALEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Guy Menzies MALLAM, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie James Vernon MALLARD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John MALLETT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Leslie MALLINSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Tom Sutcliffe MALLINSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James Joseph MALLON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John James MALLON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Michael MALLOY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Thomas Moffitt MALLYON, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Edmund Bede MALONE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank MALONE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

James MALONE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James Cornelius MALONE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick James Franklin MALONE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick John MALONE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur MALONE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert George MALONEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry MALONEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Gerald Joseph MALONEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Richard MALONEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Joseph MALONEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas MALONEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William MALONEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Cedric Gower MALPAS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Lindsay MALSEED, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander MALSEM, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest MALTBY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Frederick MALTRAVERS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph MALVINE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph MALVINE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Charles MANBY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Phillip MANCE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George Leslie William MANCE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Thomas Edward MANCKTELOW, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Christopher Alexander MANDALL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter James MANDALL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard James MANDER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Edward MANDER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas MANDERSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Kendrick Evelyn MANEY-LAKE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Joseph MANGAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Kenneth MANGAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick John MANGAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Philip MANHIRE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John MANHOOD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Maurice John MANI, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur James MANION, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick MANION, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph MANION, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph MANION, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Alexander MANLEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Antill MANLEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Henry MANLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Henry MANLY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander MANN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil George Ralph MANN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Harold John MANN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Gardner MANN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Reginald MANN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Reginald MANN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Noble MANN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Thomas MANN, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Gother Herbert MANN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Ernest MANN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Henage William MANN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry MANN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Charles MANN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James Issac MANN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Charles MANN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Clifton MANN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Hercules MANN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Livingston Mitchell MANN, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Percival MANN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Francis MANN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William MANN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles MANN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William George MANN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William MANNERS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Allan William MANNING, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Archer Gibson MANNING, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Herbert MANNING, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Chris Sydney MANNING, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Clyde Anthony MANNING, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank MANNING, General Service Reinforcements.

Frank Clive MANNING, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick MANNING, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry MANNING, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh de Courcy MANNING, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

James Joseph Michael MANNING, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Mathew MANNING, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Joseph MANNING, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Ernest MANNING, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William MANNING, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Henry MANNING, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Edward MANNION, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas MANNION, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Patrick MANNIX, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Celsus MANNIX, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Thomas Patrick MANNIX, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Lewis Lionel MANNS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George Thomas MANSEL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Theodore MANSELL, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Thomas Henry MANSELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

David MANSER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Henry MANSFIELD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George Ephriam MANSFIELD, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Kenneth MANSFIELD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Michael John MANSFIELD, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Rupert MANSFIELD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Stafford Rupert MANSFIELD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew Turton MANSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Charles MANSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Robertson MANSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Livingstone MANSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas MANTALL, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

James MANTEL, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Peter John MANTHEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Douglas MANTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Edwin MANTON, General Service Reinforcements.

Reginald Porter MANTTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph MANUEL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert MANUEL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Roy MANUEL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Joel MANUELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

James Bright MANUELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Stephen MANWARRING, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George MAPLEBACK, 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Charles Thomas MAPP, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas MAPP, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Michael MARA, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Lewis George MARC., 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Andrew MARCH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Hamilton MARCH., 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Gerald Featherstone MARCH., 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Leo Charles MARCH., 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Reuben MARCH., 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William John Henry MARCH., General Service Reinforcements.

Alfred William MARCHANT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew James MARCHANT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew James MARCHANT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur MARCHANT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Roy MARCHANT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William Lindley MARCROFT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Thomas MARCUS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert James MARENDAY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William MARGERRISON, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Ross MARGETTS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John MARGITICH, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George John MARGRIE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Leo Charles MARIENTHAL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Guy MARION, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles MARK, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

David Ritson MARK, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank MARK, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Sheridan MARK, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Herman Peter MARKER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Joseph MARKEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Lionel Christopher MARKEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas John MARKEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Allen MARKLEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Roy MARKS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Percy MARKS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Howard MARKS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Harold MARKS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Arthur MARKS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie James MARKS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Lindsay Field MARKS, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Peter Henry MARKS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Thomas MARKS, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Sydney Robert MARKS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Harold MARKS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Lynn MARKS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Lynn MARKS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Sylvester MARKS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George MARKUS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry James Theodore MARKUS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Bert MARKWELL, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Clifford Lindsay MARKWELL, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Arthur MARKWELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Thomas MARKWELL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald George Prior MARKWELL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Ernest MARKWELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alphonsus Gregory MARLAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Louis Thomas MARLAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Bruce Ivan Edward MARLAY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William Alfred Noel MARLAY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest George MARLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George MARLINGS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred MARLOW, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Maurice MARMION, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Maurice William MARNAME, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert MAROSKE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Alfred MARQUAND, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert MARR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles William Clanan MARR, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Clifford Roy MARR, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Justin MARR, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard MARR, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert MARR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William MARR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry MARR, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Arthur James MARRETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Thomas MARRIAGE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James Patrick MARRINAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John MARRINAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Ernest MARRINER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Henry MARRINER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Joseph MARRIOTT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick MARRIOTT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Edward MARRIOTT, Light Horse Reinforcements.

John Thackeray MARRIOTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Letchmere MARRIOTT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Letchmere MARRIOTT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Raymond John MARRIOTT, Cable Signal Section.

Thomas Harold MARRIOTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Lennard MARRON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Leonard MARRON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Richard MARRON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Richardson MARRON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Vivian Michael MARRON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: MAB to MAG

Next:  MAR to MAT


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: MAG to MAR

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 3 April 2010 11:01 AM EADT

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A note on copyright

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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