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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Sunday, 8 August 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: CRI to CUR
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: CRI to CUR


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


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Embarkation Roll: CRI to CUR


Thomas John CRILLY, General Service Reinforcements.

Edward Ewan CRIMMINS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric William CRIPPS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander John CRISP, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Hartnett CRISP, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Gordon CRISP, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Edward CRISP, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Francis CRISP, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Reginald CRISP, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles CRISP, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James Henry CRITCHELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Thomas CRITCHER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Raymond Henry CRITCHFIELD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George CRITCHLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Rustrick CRITCHLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Claude (Harold) CRITTENDEN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William Leslie CRITTENDEN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles William Bute CROAKER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Stuart CROAKER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John William CROASDALE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew John CROCKER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas CROCKER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander CROCKETT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley CROCKETT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Ernest CROCKETT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William George CROCKETT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry CROCKFORD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Alexander CROCOS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Ernest CROFT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Selwyn CROFT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Thomas Claude CROFT, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Roy Wood CROFT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Freestone CROFT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William George CROFT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick John CROGHAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry CROKER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

David Gifford CROLL, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Douglas Hector Macdonald CROLL, General Service Reinforcements.

John Alexander CROLL, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

James CROMAY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Colin Forbes CROMB, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Alexander George CROMBIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander George Leslie CROMBIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis David CROMBIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles CROMBIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George Lindrun CROMIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor CROMMELIN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor CROMMELIN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Edward CROMPTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Edward CROMPTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Dickinson CROMPTON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Sydney Leichhardt CROMPTON, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Albert Edward CROMWELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Joseph Dennis CRONIN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Daniel CRONIN, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

John O'Donald CRONIN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael CRONIN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Michael Parnell CRONIN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Miles Andrew CRONIN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles CRONK, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Edward CRONK, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William John CRONK, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Aubert CROOK, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Charles Ernest CROOK, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

March CROOK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney CROOK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George Bryan CROOKE, 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Adam CROOKES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George CROOKS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Keith Charteris CROOKSTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John Robert CROOM, General Service Reinforcements.

Harold CROPPER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Vivian Clifford CROSBIE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Daniel CROSBIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William George CROSBIE, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Reginald Ross CROSBY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Mansel Bell CROSBY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John CROSBY-BROWNE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Antonio CROSETTO, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Albert Richard CROSS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Charles CROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward CROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Frederick CROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Issac CROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Gordon CROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Herbert CROSS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Henry Thomas CROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George CROSS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Bell CROSS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George Bell CROSS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George Thomas CROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry CROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard James CROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Henry CROSS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley James CROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Herbert CROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William James CROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil CROSSIN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Chester John CROSSIN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Henry Smith CROSSING, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard William CROSSINGHAM, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Colin CROSSLEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward CROSSLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Eric Best CROSSLEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Ralf CROSSLEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Oliver Edward CROSSLEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry CROSSMAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Adam CROSSMAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Leopold George CROSSWELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Dewey CROSTHWAITE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Norman Harold CROSTHWAITE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Norman Murray CROSTHWAITE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

James CROTHERS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew Joseph CROTTY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Lewis Edward CROTTY, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Maurice CROTTY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Robert John CROTTY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Pearce CROUCH, General Service Reinforcements.

Benjamin Sibery CROUCH, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Eddie CROUCH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward CROUCH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Wolsley CROUCH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Harvey CROUCH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Russell CROUCH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Samuel CROUCH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Stanley CROUCH, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward William CROUCHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alexander Gordon CROUCHER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George William John CROUCHER, General Service Reinforcements.

Harold CROUCHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Walter CROUCHER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph CROUGH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick CROUGH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edward CROW, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George William Victor CROW, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Joseph CROWE, General Service Reinforcements.

Archibald CROWE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Sidney CROWE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Bede Stephen CROWE, General Service Reinforcements.

George Molesworth CROWE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert John CROWE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Alfred CROWE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Lancelot McDermott CROWE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Lindsay Alexander CROWE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Augustine CROWE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Stirling George CROWE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas CROWE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Dudley Alfred CROWHURST, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard CROWHURST, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Terrell CROWL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Daniel CROWLEY, Light Horse Reinforcements.

John James CROWLEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph CROWLEY, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Joseph CROWLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Joseph CROWLEY, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Robert Calder CROWTHER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Calder CROWTHER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel CROWTHER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Clifford CROWYS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Albert CROZIER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Graham CROZIER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James Doyle CROZIER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Francis CROZIER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Walter CROZIER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert James CROZIER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney James CROZIER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Henry CROZIER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George Frederick CRUDDAS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas CRUDDEN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James Douglas CRUICKSHANK, General Service Reinforcements.

Leslie Frederick CRUICKSHANK, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Stephen CRUICKSHANK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William CRUICKSHANK, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William George CRUICKSHANK, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John Edgar CRUISE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John James CRUITE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter George CRUSE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry CRUSE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick William CRUTCH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert CRUTCH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George Albert CRUTCHFIELD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Kelso Ernest CRUWYS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie James CUBIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edmund CUBLEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Lindsay CUDDEN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Lawrence Walter Charles CUDDY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William CUE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Charles CUFF, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James CUFFE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Edward CUFLEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Richard CULBERT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Owen Edward CULGAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Francis CULHANE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence Heathcote CULL, General Service Reinforcements.

Denis CULL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold C. CULL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William CULLA, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas William CULLAM, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Joseph CULLEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Christopher James Wyalong CULLEN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward CULLEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Patrick CULLEN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank CULLEN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George Edward CULLEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry CULLEN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Joseph CULLEN, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Herbert Clarence CULLEN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Hurtle Robert CULLEN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James CULLEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John CULLEN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Philip CULLEN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Edgar CULLEN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick Joseph CULLEN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Macquarie CULLEN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley CULLEN, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Vivian George Valentine CULLEN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William George CULLEN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William John CULLEN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey Bruce CULLENWARD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Simpson CULLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William CULLIMORE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Reginald Patrick CULLINANE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Luke CULLING, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Isaac CULLINS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward John CULLOTON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Barlow CULLWICK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh CULLY, General Service Reinforcements.

Pericival Robert John CULPH, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Wilson CULPH, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor CULPH, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William John CUMBERLAND, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Sidney Owen CUMES, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander George CUMMING, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Basil CUMMING, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James William CUMMING, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John CUMMING, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Currie CUMMING, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Edward CUMMING, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert CUMMING, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Gordon CUMMING, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Rodrick George CUMMING, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas CUMMING, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Hiliary CUMMING, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Neil McCormick CUMMING, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edward CUMMINGS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander CUMMINGS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Alfred John CUMMINGS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan CUMMINGS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew CUMMINGS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

David CUMMINGS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Enoch CUMMINGS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey Ivan CUMMINGS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Edward CUMMINGS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph CUMMINGS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Richard Joseph CUMMINGS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Willie CUMMINGS, General Service Reinforcements.

Alfred Kenneth CUMMINS, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Cyril William CUMMINS, General Service Reinforcements.

Edward Matthew CUMMINS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George CUMMINS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Nesbit CUMMINS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George Cedrick CUNDY, General Service Reinforcements.

George Herbert Somerville CUNDY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Isaac CUNDY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

James CUNDY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William Irwin CUNDY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Charles CUNEO, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Garibaldi Mennotti CUNEO, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Andrew CUNEO, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert CUNEO, General Service Reinforcements.

Donald CUNNEEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Francis CUNNEEN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Louis Bertrand CUNNEEN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Maurice Patrick CUNNEEN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Urban James CUNNEEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Edward Vaughan CUNNING, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Andrew Twyman CUNNINGHAM, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

David Charles CUNNINGHAM, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Edward Hastings CUNNINGHAM, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Edward Joseph CUNNINGHAM, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest CUNNINGHAM, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred CUNNINGHAM, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Michael CUNNINGHAM, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Hilton Lirkin CUNNINGHAM, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John CUNNINGHAM, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John CUNNINGHAM, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

John Andrew CUNNINGHAM, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Douglas CUNNINGHAM, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick CUNNINGHAM, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick CUNNINGHAM, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter CUNNINGHAM, General Service Reinforcements.

Peter CUNNINGHAM, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Fergus CUNNINGHAM, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Andrew CUNNINGHAM, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Duncan CUNNINGHAM, General Service Reinforcements.

William Cleveland CUNNINGHAM, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Francis CUNNINGHAM, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William CUNNINGTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Loftus Russel CUPPAIDGE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edward CUREDALE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: COU to CRI

Next:  CUR to CUZ


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: CRI to CUR

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 31 March 2010 9:41 PM EADT
Saturday, 7 August 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: CUR to CUZ
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: CUR to CUZ


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: CUR to CUZ


John CUREL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis CURLEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

James CURLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Victor CURLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Christopher CURLEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Roland CURLIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril James CURNOW, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Herbert Madison CURNOW, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Rupert Coleman CURNOW, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Albert CURPHY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Harold CURRALL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold John CURRAM, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Thomas CURRAN, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur CURRAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin joseph CURRAN, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas CURRAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Patrick CURRAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Thomas CURRAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry CURRAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard CURRAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Benedict CURRAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Francis CURRAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William Edward CURRAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Joseph CURRANS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Herbert CURRELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred James CURRELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Horatio CURRELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph CURREY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William George Ernest CURREY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred CURRIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald CURRIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Cloudsley Melbourne CURRIE, General Service Reinforcements.

Daniel CURRIE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick CURRIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Robinson Clifford CURRIE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Thorne CURRIE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John CURRIE, General Service Reinforcements.

John Bell CURRIE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Harold CURRIE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Richard CURRIE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Richard Henry CURRIE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas CURRIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Harry CURRINGTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Wilson CURRY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael CURRY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick CURRY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Hugh CURRY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Richard CURRY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred James CURRYER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Nicholas Leviston CURTAIN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert William CURTAYNE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Cornelius Francis CURTIN, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Cornelius Joseph CURTIN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis CURTIN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Arthur Edward CURTIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Bertram William CURTIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Cornelius CURTIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Daniel Ruben CURTIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Ernest CURTIS, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Henry Charles CURTIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Glinden CURTIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry James CURTIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James Patrick CURTIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John CURTIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Lindsay CURTIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Lancelot Arthur CURTIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Martin Joseph CURTIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Phillip CURTIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney CURTIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney John CURTIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William George CURTIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Maxwell Christian CURWEN-WALKER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur CURWOOD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Garfield CURYER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Andrew CUSACK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest James CUSACK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack CUSACK, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas CUSHEN, General Service Reinforcements.

William CUSHION, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Fletcher CUSSEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Jesse CUSSINS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Herbert CUST, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Albert CUST, General Service Reinforcements.

Alexander CUTHBERT, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Kelverton Mansfield CUTHELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas Albert Lawson CUTLER, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Frank Cecil CUTLER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Frank Edgerton CUTLER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Percy CUTLER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy John Biddulph CUTLER, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles CUTMORE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Edward William CUTTING, General Service Reinforcements.

Frank Robert CUTTS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John CUTTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Lionel Ray CUTTS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James Roy CUZENS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.


Previous: CRI to CUR

Next:  DAB to DAV


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: CUR to CUZ

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 31 March 2010 9:38 PM EADT
Friday, 6 August 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: DAB to DAV
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: DAB to DAV


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: DAB to DAV


Harold Frederick DABELSTEIN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Frank DACK, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Bert James DADDO, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Alfred DADEN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Lewis Charles DADSWELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James DAFFY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Hanlon DAFT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Frank DAFT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William DAGGETT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Oscar Theodore DAHL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Vivian DAHL, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas DAHL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Leonard DAHLSEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Archibald DAILEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward DAISH, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph George Farrell DAKEN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Matt DAKIN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred William DALDRY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander James DALE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred DALE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred DALE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Allan DALE, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur John DALE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Albert DALE, General Service Reinforcements.

Charles Coning DALE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Scrivener DALE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence Avey DALE, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Edward William DALE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Esme Laughan DALE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Glen DALE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Stuart Campbell DALE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John DALE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Charles Lionel DALE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard George DALE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas DALE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Angle DALE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Donald DALE, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Alick Reginald Elijah DALEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles DALEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles John DALEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Arthur DALEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James DALEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John DALEY, General Service Reinforcements.

John James DALEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Joseph DALEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William James DALEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Stockton DALGARNO, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Oliver Clarke DALGLISH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Lunsden DALKEITH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Banning DALL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Edwin DALLIMORE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin James DALLING, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George DALLING, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph DALLON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward James DALLOW, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Donald DALLY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert DALLY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Nathaniel DALLY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George DALRYMPLE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Frew DALRYMPLE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Ernest DALTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Crossley DALTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Malcolm DALTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

David Ernest DALTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest John DALTON, General Service Reinforcements.

George William DALTON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Thomas DALTON, General Service Reinforcements.

James DALTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John DALTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John DALTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John DALTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Hallinan DALTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Gerald DALTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Joseph DALTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Victor Oliver DALTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William DALTON, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Lawrence DALWOOD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Dennis DALY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Joseph DALY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Hoonabrook DALY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest DALY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Martin DALY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey Dunsandle DALY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James DALY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James Edward DALY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John DALY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Robert DALY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael DALY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Aden DALY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Agar DALY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James DALY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James DALY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Joseph DALY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Francis DALY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William John DALY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas Pulteney DALZELL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Nicholson DALZELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Nicholson DALZELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Ray DALZIEL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William George DALZIEL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Victor Frederick D'AMYAND, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John DANAHER, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Maurice Edward DANAHER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Hallanan DANCKERT, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

John Thornton DANCOCKS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James Henry DANDO, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Mark Turner DANDO, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert James Vernon DANGERFIELD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander DANIEL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry DANIEL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

David DANIEL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Attick DANIEL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George DANIEL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Remington DANIEL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Howarth DANIEL, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Thomas Guy DANIEL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Edmund DANIEL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Walter DANIEL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Walter DANIEL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney DANIELLS, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Adolphus John DANIELS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Ernest DANIELS, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur DANIELS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles DANIELS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Reid DANIELS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert DANIELS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arvid Aloysius Valentine Vivian DANIELSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Samuel DANKS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Ebenezer DANN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry DANN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Lancelot DANN, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

James Thomas DANN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Philip Henry DANN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Herbert DANNOCK, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Keith DANS, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.

Henry DANVERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Francis DANVERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Stewart DARBY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert John DARBY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter DARBY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Cobble DARBY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Carodoc Bevan DARBYSHIRE-ROBERTS, General Service Reinforcements.

James DARCEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Eccaboon D'ARCHY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Cyril DARCY, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Michael Patrick DARCY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Anthony DARCY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Patrick DARCY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Ernest Erroll D'ARCY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles D'ARCY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude D'ARCY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Gerald D'ARCY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Joseph D'ARCY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Elystan D'ARCY-EVANS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Aurel Louis DARDEL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Cottrell DARE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Livingstone DARE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George DARE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley DARE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Neagle DARGAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Reginald DARGAN, General Service Reinforcements.

Allen DARGARVILLE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Vincent DARGAVEL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Essington DARGIN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert William DARK, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur DARK, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Valentine DARK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Henry DARLEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Elliss Gordon DARLING, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William DARLING, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Raif DARLINGTON, General Service Reinforcements.

Charles Edward DARLINGTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George William DARLOW, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander DARR, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred DARR, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Henry Lawrence DARRINGTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Marcus DARSOW, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Francis William DART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward DARWELL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Claud Alvin DARWIN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Henry DASEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Cecil Montague DASKEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George DATE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Ernest DATSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James DATSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William DAUBERN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry DAULTREY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Eric DAUNT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Stephen DAUNT, General Service Reinforcements.

Alfred John DAVENPORT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Cameron John DAVENPORT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Wilbert DAVENPORT, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Raymond Andrew Albert DAVENPORT, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Reginald Raymond Inglebert DAVENPORT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William DAVENPORT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Lionel William DAVERN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Silas John DAVERN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Francis DAVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Donald DAVEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Thomas DAVEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Frank DAVEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Harry Roy DAVEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Roy DAVEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Stephen DAVEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Maughan John DAVEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Oliver Leopold DAVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Oliver Leopold DAVEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Raglan DAVEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Laurence DAVEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Simon William DAVEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Raymond DAVEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Wilfred Albert DAVEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Harold DAVEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin DAVID, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Sutherland DAVIDSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Alfred Charles DAVIDSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan DAVIDSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Arnold DAVIDSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur DAVIDSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Augustus D'Evesty DAVIDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Graham DAVIDSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence DAVIDSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

David DAVIDSON, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

David Hogg DAVIDSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Douglas DAVIDSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Cooke Montgomery DAVIDSON, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

George Douglas DAVIDSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George Douglas DAVIDSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Gladstone Thompson DAVIDSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Alfred DAVIDSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry DAVIDSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Alexander DAVIDSON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Henry William DAVIDSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ivo Virgel DAVIDSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

James Robert DAVIDSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Robert DAVIDSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Watson DAVIDSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John DAVIDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Gibson DAVIDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John William DAVIDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Edward DAVIDSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph William DAVIDSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Lindsay DAVIDSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Gilbert DAVIDSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Redvers Oliver DAVIDSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Reginald Victor Claude DAVIDSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Hales DAVIDSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert DAVIDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert DAVIDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert George DAVIDSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Varro Clarke DAVIDSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Albert DAVIDSON, General Service Reinforcements.

William John Fraser DAVIDSON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

William DAVIDSON aka William Drummond SWANSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James DAVIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur DAVIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Alfred DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Arthur DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Owen DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Alwyn John DAVIES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Hiram DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Herbert DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin Victor DAVIES, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Cecil William DAVIES, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles DAVIES, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Ernest DAVIES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Randall DAVIES, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Crawford William DAVIES, General Service Reinforcements.

Cyril William DAVIES, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Daniel Thomas DAVIES, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

David DAVIES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

David DAVIES, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

David Charles DAVIES, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar George DAVIES, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward John DAVIES, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Watkin DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ellis Edward DAVIES, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ellis Osborne DAVIES, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Eric Owen DAVIES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Evan DAVIES, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Rodger DAVIES, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Thomas DAVIES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Charles DAVIES, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Rees DAVIES, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George DAVIES, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George Ross DAVIES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George William DAVIES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Gilbert Heneage DAVIES, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Gilbert Heneage DAVIES, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Martin DAVIES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Stanley DAVIES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry DAVIES, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Leslie DAVIES, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Herbert Alfred DAVIES, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Martyn DAVIES, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Oliver DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Frederick DAVIES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Rupert Cyril DAVIES, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

James Frederick DAVIES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Judge DAVIES, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James Samuel DAVIES, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Jason Henry DAVIES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John DAVIES, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Brooklyn DAVIES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Edward DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Hugh DAVIES, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John Newton DAVIES, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Henry DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Lewis Roland DAVIES, General Service Reinforcements.

Louis Walter DAVIES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Lyndhurst Sydney DAVIES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Neil DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Phillip Edward DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Phillip Lewis DAVIES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Rupert John DAVIES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel DAVIES, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas DAVIES, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Edward DAVIES, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Gordon DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Robert DAVIES, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Robert DAVIES, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Trewynn DAVIES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Grantham DAVIES, 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop.

William Bramwell DAVIES, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Edwin DAVIES, General Service Reinforcements.

William Evan DAVIES, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William John DAVIES, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Rowland DAVIES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas DAVIES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas DAVIES, 4th Light Horse Regiment


Previous: CUR to CUZ

Next:  DAV to DEL


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: DAB to DAV

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 1 April 2010 6:15 PM EADT
Thursday, 5 August 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: DAV to DEL
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: DAV to DEL


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: DAV to DEL


Alan Charles DAVIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Albert DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Albert DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edward DAVIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Reece DAVIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Corrall DAVIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur Corrall DAVIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin DAVIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin William DAVIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Harold DAVIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles DAVIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Arthur DAVIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles George DAVIS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Joseph DAVIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Clifford Charles DAVIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Clyde Clifford DAVIS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Braswolf DAVIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Dennett DAVIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Allen DAVIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward DAVIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Augustus DAVIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Guy DAVIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Edward Thomas DAVIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Edward Charles DAVIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Leslie DAVIS, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Francis John Archibald DAVIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Albert DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Albert DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Frank DAVIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Frederick Hollier DAVIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George DAVIS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George Albert D. DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George Allan DAVIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George Edward DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George Soloman Victor DAVIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Gerald de Vahl DAVIS, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Harold Cousett DAVIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Harry Edmond DAVIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Westbrook DAVIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Arthur George DAVIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Idual Llewellyn DAVIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James DAVIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Wilfred DAVIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James William DAVIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John DAVIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Frederick DAVIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Tristan DAVIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Joss DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Osbourne DAVIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Mark Ernest DAVIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael DAVIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Sydney DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Augustus DAVIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Ernest DAVIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Percy John DAVIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Percy William DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Perry Thomas DAVIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Ralph DAVIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Roland Edward DAVIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Rowland Dudlyn DAVIS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Roy George Campbell DAVIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Edward DAVIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Stuart Evans DAVIS, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Sydney DAVIS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas DAVIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas DAVIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Sydney Richmond DAVIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Vincent Gower DAVIS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William DAVIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William DAVIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur DAVIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles DAVIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Ernest Francis DAVIS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Winfield George DAVIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Rutherford DAVISON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald DAVISON, General Service Reinforcements.

Ernest Charles DAVISON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Edward DAVISON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie DAVISON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman David DAVISON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy DAVISON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas DAVISON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick joseph DAVOREN, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Charles John DAVY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Matthew DAW, General Service Reinforcements.

William Henry Bertie DAW, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William DAWBER, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Milton Greig DAWBORN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Percival Samuel DAWE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Donaldson DAWE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William DAWE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert DAWES, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Charles DAWES, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Clifton DAWES, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

James DAWES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

James Frederick DAWES, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Norman William DAWES, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Ruben Thomas DAWES, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James DAWES, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Hill DAWES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Wilfred DAWES, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Franklin Roy DAWKINS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edward DAWSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Thomas DAWSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Maxmillian Eugan DAWSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Francis DAWSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Lee DAWSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Erskine William Douglas Hamilton DAWSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Orlando DAWSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry DAWSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Claude DAWSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Roy DAWSON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Herbert Selwyn DAWSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Howard Francis William DAWSON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Hubert Henry DAWSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

James Harold Leonard DAWSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John DAWSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Kiddell DAWSON, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

John Owen DAWSON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

John William DAWSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Lancelot Edward DAWSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Lawrence Walter DAWSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie William DAWSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Lindsay DAWSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Matthew William DAWSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Maurice Edward DAWSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter DAWSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Raymond Clark DAWSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Henry DAWSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert DAWSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Raymond DAWSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Joseph DAWSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter DAWSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William David DAWSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William George DAWSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Vesey DAWSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Thomas DAY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Godfrey DAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Aloysius Verdon DAY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew DAY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Frederick DAY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles DAY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry DAY, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Reginald DAY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles William DAY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Connie Hilary DAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Darcy Fraser DAY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick DAY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George DAY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Sinclair DAY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John DAY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John DAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Herbert DAY, General Service Reinforcements.

Leo Norris DAY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Charles DAY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael James DAY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Nathaniel DAY, General Service Reinforcements.

Sylvester DAY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William John DAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William John DAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Benjamin DAYMON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin John DAYS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Elmer DAYTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Marie Cornelius De RAADT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Constant De RAEVE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Leighton DEACON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John Charles DEACON, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Robert Percy DEACON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Gladstone DEADMAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Hunsley DEAKIN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Francis DeALEVION, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Alfred DEAM, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred George DEAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Ernest DEAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Stewart DEAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Aubrey Charles DEAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Charles Logan DEAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Charles Richard DEAN, 4th Light Horse Signal Troop.

David D'Este DEAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest DEAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest L. DEAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George DEAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry DEAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Herbert DEAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Lindsay William DEAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry William DEAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert David DEAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James DEAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James Arthur DEAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Smith DEAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Alexander DEAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Alexander DEAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Francis DEAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph William DEAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Thomas DEAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Paul DEAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Alfred Roy DEAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William John DEAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Walter DEAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Arthur DEANE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Rutherford DEANE-SMITH, General Service Reinforcements.

George Alexander DEANSHAW, General Service Reinforcements.

John Thomas DEAR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George Rupert DEARDEN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William DEARLING, General Service Reinforcements.

Frederick William DEARMAN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Herbert DEARMAN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

James Henry DEARN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick John DEASY, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Henry Michael DeBATHE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Francis Xavior DeBAVAY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Alfred James DeBELL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Hellmuth DeBERG, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George Arthur DEBNAM, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Parkman DEBNAM, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Anthony John DeBRITT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Bertie DeBRITT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel DeCARTE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick DeCATANIA, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Charles DeCOURCY, General Service Reinforcements.

Philip Champion DeCRESPIGNY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward DEDMAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney James DEDMAN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William John DEDRICK, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James DEE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter Lester DEE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Vincent Michael DEE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Ernest DEE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Vivian DEEBLE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Gordon DEED, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Thomas DEEGAN, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

John Joseph DEEGAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Aloysius DEEGAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Joseph DEEKS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry DEER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles James DEERY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Hubert Vincent DEES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Louis Adrian DeFONTENAY, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Francis Delemere DEGOTARDI, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Henri DeGRUCHY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Geoffrey DEIDERICK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry DeLACY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Hastings DeLaFORCE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

James Francis DeLaHENTY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard James DeLaHENTY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Daniel DeLaHUNTY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest DELANEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Bryan DELANEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George Victor DELANEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Howard Arthur DELANEY, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Hugh John DELANEY, General Service Reinforcements.

John Abraham DELANEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Thomas DELANEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Laurence John DELANEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Sylvester DELANEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick DELANEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert DELANEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Theodore DELANEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Timothy Claude DELANEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Vernon DELANEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Garnet DELANTY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Frederick DeLATOUR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry DeLaVALLE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Sidney DELEMERE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Jean Mezierete DeLEPERVANCHE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Charles DeLEPERVANCHE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: DAB to DAV

Next:  DEL to DIX


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: DAV to DEL

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 1 April 2010 6:16 PM EADT
Wednesday, 4 August 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: DEL to DIX
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: DEL to DIX


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: DEL to DIX


Osmond Cyril DELFENDAHL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Francis DELFORCE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Gilbert DELLAR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph John DELLER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry DELLER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Lawrence DeLOOKERY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Harold Charles DeLOW, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Bertram Barnard DELPRATT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Maurice George DELPRATT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Bentley DELVES, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Snowden DeMAINE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Luciene Auguste DeMAN, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Alexander DeMARCHI, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest William DeMARCHI, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Isaac DEMBY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Ellbeck DEMERAL, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

James Edward DEMMERY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George Ernest DeMOLE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Godfrey Michael Connell DEMPSEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack DEMPSEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John James DEMPSEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Oliver Comeford DEMPSEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Raymond Francis DEMPSEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Ernest DEMPSEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William John DEMPSEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Henry DEMPSTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James DEMPSTER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John James DEMPSTER, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Reginald Garry DEMPSTER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert DEMPSTER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Beaumont DENBIGH, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred John DENBY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Drury DENGATE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Cornelius DENGATE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Henry George DENGATE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Victor DENHAM, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

John Henry DENHAM, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Norman William DENHAM, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Francis DENHAM, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ronald Bilton DENHOLM, General Service Reinforcements.

Alfred Joseph DENIER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Joseph DENIER, 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop.

Ivan James DENKEL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William DENMARK, General Service Reinforcements.

Francis Martin DENMEN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George Albert DENNE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph DENNERLEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George DENNETT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Owen James DENNETT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Fenton Rockwell DENNEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Powley DENNEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William DENNING, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William DENNING, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

David William DENNIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Miller DENNIS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Frederick DENNIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis James DENNIS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John DENNIS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry DENNIS, General Service Reinforcements.

Norman Fernando DENNIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Charles DENNIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Leslie DENNIS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Geroge Herbert DENNISON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John DENNISON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Leonard West DENNISON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter William George DENNISON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William Edward DENNISON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arnold Lorimer DENNY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles DENNY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Thomas DENNY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Keighley DENNY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph DENNY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Joseph DENNY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Elsworthy DENSEM, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Bertie DENT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Clyde Emanuel DENT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank DENT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Owen DENT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Clive DENT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Horatio DENT, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Spencer William DENT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Owen DENT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Rowland DENT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William DENT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Thomas DENTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor DENTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter DENTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Walters Ernest DENTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Daniel DENTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John James D'ENYAR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Theodore DEPENA, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George Arthur DEPLEDGE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Stanley DERHAM, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Arthur DeROME, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Alfred DeROSE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Walter DERRELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter DERRETT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph James aka Herman DERRICK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

James Joseph DERRIG, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

David DERRIN, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Edwin Cooper DERRINGTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Lewis Francis DESAILLEY, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Eric Fanc DeSALIS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles DESLY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Paul DESMOND, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John DESMOND, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Joseph DESMOND, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Leo Woolcott DeSOYRES, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Louis Paul DESSAULT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Rudolph Amedee DeSt HILAIRE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence Henry DETERT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Gontran DeTOURNOUER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Carl James DETTMAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Louis DEUCHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James DeVALLANCE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter DeVAUX, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank DEVERELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank DEVERELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Augustus Arthur DeVERNEIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph DEVERY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest DEVESON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Daniel DeVILLIERS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil DEVINE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Homer DEVINE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar DEVINE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Frank Bays DEVINE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Raymond DEVINE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

James Robert Carson DEVINE, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Matthew Raymond DEVINE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Percival John DEVINE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William DEVINE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William James DEVINE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank DEVITT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Martin DEVITT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Dalroy DEVLIN, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Bernard Mervyn DEVLIN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

David DEVLIN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis DEVLIN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry DEVLIN, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

John James DEVLIN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Joseph DEVLIN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas DEVLIN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Warren Joseph DEVLIN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Samuel DEVON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert James DEW, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Kay DEWAR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Mitchael DEWAR, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Roderick DEWAR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Guy DeWARREN, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Francis Joseph DeWARREN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie James DEWBERRY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert William DEWBERY, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Arthur Morrow Boord DEWDNEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward George DEWDNEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey Ormond DEWEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Percy George DEWHURST, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Reginald DEWING, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Cuthbert Seymour Lechmere DeWINTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert DEXTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Edward DEXTER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Roderick DHU, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Archibald DHU, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Joshua Joseph Talbot DIAL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles DIAMOND, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John DIAMOND, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel William DIAMOND, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Charles DIBB, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Frederick DIBBEN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George Wilfred DIBBEN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Albert DIBBLE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William John DIBBS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred William DIBLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred DICK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Owen DICK, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald DICK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Tasman DICK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence John DICK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Desmond Joseph DICK, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Douglas James DICK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest William DICK, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George Bede Leonard DICK, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Poulsen DICK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Harold DICK, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Roy Walter DICK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel John DICK, General Service Reinforcements.

Sidney DICK, General Service Reinforcements.

Warren Walter DICK, Cable Signal Section.

William Charles Hamilton DICK, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

William John DICK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Valentine DICK, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

William Vincent DICK, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Birfield DICKASON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Matthew DICKENS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Vernon DICKENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick George DICKENS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Ira Leslie DICKENSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas John DICKENSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Russell DICKENSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William DICKENSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Saunders DICKER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Healey Bowley DICKER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Harry DICKERSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James DICKERSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John DICKIE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Matthew DICKIE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Basil DICKINS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Basil DICKINS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Norman DICKINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Avery Benjamin DICKINSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank DICKINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Dudley DICKINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Henson DICKINSON, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Philip DICKINSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas DICKINSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor Hugh DICKISON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Henry DICKMAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur George DICKSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward DICKSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank DICKSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick DICKSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Frederick Roy DICKSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Hiram John DICKSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

James Forrest DICKSON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

James Hepburn DICKSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry DICKSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph George DICKSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Murray John DICKSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman DICKSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ramsay DICKSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert DICKSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Gavin DICKSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy St Clair DICKSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel DICKSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas DICKSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas DICKSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles DICKSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Albert DIETRICH, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Richard Ferdian DIETZ, General Service Reinforcements.

Cecil Arthur DIGBY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Gerald DIGBY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman DIGBY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William DIGBY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Harold Windeyer Cadell DIGHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Victor Herbert DIGNAM, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter Augustine DIGNAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Douglas DILL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric DILLEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Sennott DILLON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles DILLON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Charles James DILLON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward James DILLON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon DILLON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James Leslie DILLON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Bernard DILLON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Clarence Michael DILLON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph DILLON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph DILLON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Henry DILLON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Francis DILLON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Francis DILLON, General Service Reinforcements.

William Frederick DILLON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Eric DILOSA, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George Edward DILWORTH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas David DIMANT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Beresford Frank DIMMACK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard DIMMICK, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James DINAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Frederick DIND, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Frank Harris DINEEN, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Thomas DINEEN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Ernest DINGFELDER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Dudley Roy DINGLE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey Secombe DINGLE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George DINGWALL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Monroe DINGWALL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Malcolm Barker DINGWALL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Anthony DINHAM, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward DINNEN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Wallis DINNING, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John James DINNISON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Fawcett James DINSDALE, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Harry George DINSDALE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Simon George DINSDALE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Stevenson DINSDALE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick George DINSEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Aubrey Edgar DIPROSE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Augustus DIPROSE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Raymond DIPROSE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ralph Ernest DISHER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Harold DISHER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Wallace DISHER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Taylor DITCHBURN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William DIVALL, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Edward DIVER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Arthur DIVER-TUCK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Charles DIX, 9th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: DAV to DEL

Next:  DIX to DOW


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: DEL to DIX

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 1 April 2010 6:18 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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